[Plugin] Shoebill 1.1 - SA-MP Java Development Kit

I used wget to download samp server and I connected to it from FTP. Is it mean that server hasn't blocked?

No, it means you server has the ability to connect to the internet.
If you are sure that offlineMode is set to false, the only thing that could be blocking shoebill is the server's firewall.

Oh, I reinstalled JRE, redownloaded samp server and shoebill. Now it works fine, I think. Thanks!
I'll post link (and sources) here when I finish at least test version of my server.

Nice to hear!

We are looking forward to see your test server. We are currently working on Shoebill 1.1

Here is a video tutorial for the people that need help to setup a server:


Wow, 1.1! There are examples of usage of new features?


there are is not mutch to show new. You can now use pawn gamemodes and filterscripts with shoebill.
And you can call public methods from java and receive the return value. A example will follow.
If you want to update, make sure you replace all relevant files and update with update-shoebill.bat to get the newest dll because there is a new version already with a few bug fixes. Make sure you change shoebill-api to version 1.1-SNAPSHOT in your pom.xml and change resources.yml that you use shoebill-runtime version 1.1-SNAPSHOT.

I downloaded "Full server package", and started startup.bat.
I am having an errors - err.log http://pastebin.com/YJSAMiZ7 what could be the problem?

I'm back on the train. Feels good to finally return to my home base with Java.

Nice work with the newer versions 123marvin123 and mk124

Thanks for you support! The bug with "addPlayerClass" should now be fixed. You can update your Plugin with the provided update-shoebill.bat/sh in the server folder.

When I use dialogs in PlayerConnectEvent, my server in most cases crashes.
I'm using Shoebill 1.1
P.S. without Shoebill dialogs work well

Originally Posted by SetupDLL
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P.S. without Shoebill dialogs work well
how do you run Java based gamemode without shoebill?

Originally Posted by CoaPsyFactor
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how do you run Java based gamemode without shoebill?
I run vanilla server

okay, but how did you connected gamemode with samp server?

Originally Posted by CoaPsyFactor
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okay, but how did you connected gamemode with samp server?
I didn't connect it, I wrote a test pawn gm.
I only wanted to say, that there are no problems with this on vanilla server

AFAIK dialogs causes internally to raise up exceptions, which basicly crashes your server. (I've been chatting a lot with Meta in TS)
But afterall it should be fixed ASAP IMO.

Thanks for you bug reports. Can you please update the plugin with the shoebill-updater (update-shoebill.bat/sh) and try it again?

//Edit: This was not the error, sorry. I will push a new fix in the next 10 ~20 minutes

//Edit2: Ok, I pushed new fix now. Please update again with updater.

I would like to suggest something:

Actually you can gain the weapon slot from a weapon, which is actually good. But IMO it would be better to have a enum of the weapon slots.

Example: http://pastebin.com/fhrtHWi7

Thanks for your support. Next time you could just do a pull request on github.
I adopted your changes into the newest shoebill-api build, so you can update it now or download it manually here: http://ci.gtaun.net/job/shoebill-api/

I tested spawn system on vanilla server:
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
	SetTimerEx("SkipSpawn", 1, 0, "i", playerid);
	return 1;

forward SkipSpawn(playerid);
public SkipSpawn(playerid)
	SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, 0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 26, 36, 28, 150, 0, 0);
	return 1;
And with Shoebill:
eventManagerNode.registerHandler(PlayerRequestClassEvent.class, (e) ->
	Player player = e.getPlayer();
	PlayerData playerData = playerLifecycleHolder.getObject(player, PlayerData.class);

	if(playerData.getSkin() != -1)
		Timer.create(1, 1, (factualInterval) ->
It works right only on vanilla server. On Shoebill when I use player.spawn() event PlayerSpawnEvent calls, but player doesn't spawn (he is still on class selection).

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