How long?

Hello, I've been wondering if anyone has a nice video tutorial about script that's recommended to watch because I want to get into scripting and actually learn a thing or two.

If anyone is so experienced and have free time, I'd like to be taught. :P

Any help is great help.

P.S. How long does it take to learn scripting?

It relitivley depends on what you want to achive.
I started scripting gamemodes when I was a "noob" scripter.
Most people recommened editing gamemodes.

Good Luck

I don't understand a word you're saying.

There are a lot of people on ******* who create scripting tutorials, for any level of knowledge, of course.

Also, I suggest you to edit and test gamemodes. In this way, you can check by yourself the pawn functions.

P.S. I started a few months ago and I can mess all around even with SendClientMessage function.
It is really hard if you have nobody who can teach you.

Originally Posted by JamesCaptGeneral
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I don't understand a word you're saying.
Neither does anyone understand a word of what you are saying.

Originally Posted by AlexSwezVotra
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Hello, I've been wondering if anyone has a nice video tutorial about script that's recommended to watch
Many people probably don't agree with this, but no video will teach you how to script. It'll tell you how to do a specific thing, but it won't teach you how the function(s) work.

Originally Posted by AlexSwezVotra
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because I want to get into scripting and actually learn a thing or two.

If anyone is so experienced and have free time, I'd like to be taught. :P
The best teacher is yourself. You should learn how to script by experimenting and trying stuff out yourself. That's all there is to it.

Here's a post I made which contains some more info:

Originally Posted by AlexSwezVotra
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P.S. How long does it take to learn scripting?
It completely depends on yourself. I was able to properly script after 2 months of trying stuff out (and with properly I mean being able to debug my own scripts and script without causing any errors; actually knowing how functions work and not just "returning 1;" because the wiki tells me to).

Oh, you don't well I'm sorry?

Once again. I don't understand...
I told him that most people recommend editing a Gamemode.

Originally Posted by AlexSwezVotra
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How long does it take to learn scripting?

Id never recommend learning something like scripting with video tutorials.
After all theyre nothing but common text tutorials, but in a reduced form, and often poorly made. Even well made video tutorial dont give any benefits imo: its about text, so how does it help to see someone typing that text? Do you need to learn how to use a keyboard, or how to use an editor?

Programming is something where own initiative is vital. You wont learn anything just by watching the videos, but you have to try stuff yourself, so after all youll keep switching between the video and an editor, pausing and unpausing, scrolling back and forth. And why go through such a straining chaos if you could just pick a well-structured text tutorial. Saves time and tears.

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