[GameMode] [TDM]LAtin Gang War 2.01a Server [ZCMD][Y_ini][Advanced system]

New verrsion, updated
LAtin Gang War 6.0x
NEW UPDATE ! VERSION 6.0x LAtin Gang War Samp 3.z
updated to Samp 3z.
Fixed Spawn Protection 
Fixed Admins Cmds
Added a new Register&Login system, now MYsql
 - You need R9/7 version of Mysql to use this Script
Fixed Colours 
Wanted rank Added
NEW CMd for donors /dheal
 /rvall finally FIXED
 /setdonor bug fixed
Added /savestats Cmd with m ysql sstem
 /setinv for admins
 /r Team chat fixed colors
 /pm and /rpm fixed and new colours
 /sexplode added it exploide and slap ya
James updated
more timers
 CMDS added

privates spawns with 100 amour and 100 heal

also now rank 0 may use medic assault and sniper class for free

How to Start war(capturing) on a gang zone?

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