Server Full - Discussion

Didn't see this anywhere else so opening it here. It seems a large number of servers, in particular some of the more popular servers are experiencing an issue, when connecting, it says "Server is full", when it's clearly not.

All I know is that an exploit has been found in SA-MP, in which somebody is sending massive amounts of IPs to the servers to exploit this glitch.

It would be nice to hear some feedback and updates from the SA-MP team about how they are solving this issue.

Same here, I'd like to know more too.

I'll be very happy to know more about it, because I'm also curious to know.

That was Server slot is full so saying that.

Judging by fact that NGRP is down because of it - it will be fixed soon

I'm praying that it gets fixed soon.

I got the same problem. Anyone who got a clue if the SA-MP team are working out a solution?

Hello. I am the developer Russian servers Diamond RP. Over the past week we've lost more than 3,000 players due to attacks. Each day of the attack are improving. At the moment, we are bombarded with more than 600,000 queries QUERY (i, p, c, d) + connection in a minute. In this attack are now only of our country. We do a background check on the query request before connecting, check on the country. Nothing else helps. Request an attack completely similar requests players. Dear developers, please take action. I am sorry for my bad english

Hello, my server was f***ed up of this new exploit, we usually get 90 players average now it dropped to 30-60.
How about we all stop paying hosted tab, then they will care about us.

It happens right now to LS-RP too, the server lags and says that it's full while it is not.

Originally Posted by Naruto_Emilio
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Hello, my server was f***ed up of this new exploit, we usually get 90 players average now it dropped to 30-60.
How about we all stop paying hosted tab, then they will care about us.
How about you provide more information such as your server log instead of posting such rude messages?

We do know about this issue, several servers owned by beta team members were affected by it, believe me it's not being ignored.

Originally Posted by dugi
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How about you provide more information such as your server log instead of posting such rude messages?

We do know about this issue, several servers owned by beta team members were affected by it, believe me it's not being ignored.
I'm sorry, but, rude message? What was rude in it? The fact that he's fed up of paying Hosted Tab to be kept pushing around by all these exploits that SA-MP is surely taking it's time to fix? Come on.. Seriously.

And of course it's not being ignored now that beta testers are affected. What about the previous exploit? Oh right, beta testers weren't affected hence why it's not getting fixed.


And of course it's not being ignored now that beta testers are affected. What about the previous exploit? Oh right, beta testers weren't affected hence why it's not getting fixed.


Use minconnectiontime

Originally Posted by Jon_De
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Use minconnectiontime
nah that won't work.

O.T how was my message rude, why do I keep paying hosted tab (+20$/month (Over a year now) ) and I get no protection from SAMP concerning exploits, and lose most of my players, you should not consider us as subjects, but as people that pays you each month from their own pocket, understand us and stop this dictatorship, I apologize for my offensive language but you would do the same if you was a victim of such an exploit that is used by 10 years old in order to enjoy themselves...

No one is entitled to use the SAMP modification.

We'll just wait for the devs to fix it.

Originally Posted by Khanz
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No one is entitled to use the SAMP modification.

We'll just wait for the devs to fix it.
Basicly, when you said that, you made me think of a scenario, We are not entitled to use the SAMP modification right? but SAMP is still alive because of their members, imagine if there are few people using this modification, you know the answer right? SAMP is still alive because of its playerbase.

I think that it can not be fixed. in any case, the server needs to store information about the connection that requires the slots to store them

Originally Posted by Naruto_Emilio
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Hello, my server was f***ed up of this new exploit, we usually get 90 players average now it dropped to 30-60.
How about we all stop paying hosted tab, then they will care about us.
Thats it,
I'm listing my servers with 25$ i've 4 servers i pay 100$ monthly
I saw many people selling hosted tab listing for 55$ plus why i should pay and samp exploit fucked up my servers ?
I'm not a bank robber to get all this money for the hosted tab and i'm lossing players and donations.
Fix the exploits or many people will not pay for the hosted tab and i'm one of them.
I'm totally agree with you Naruto.

Never had this issue and i always join server's.

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