Question : Sorting house interiors (REP)

I want to sort the house interiors and i tried because i am needing them for 3DTextLabel for houses to show what type of interior has a specific house create on server, i mean the size of house, and i am a little bit confused becuase interior id like 5, 3 , 15 are repeating at medium interiors. I viewed house interiors here:
How to do what i said up , i am really really needing to sort the house interiors in my gm , i want to put 3dtextlabel at each house with the size.

Well, you can go here : and find the coordinates of the house, then teleport to that house somehow, get the coordinates of where you want to put the label and place it there.

You didn't understand. I have a dynamic house system based on mysql , all my gm uses mysql and the labels are automaticly created when the houses loads from database.I want to add a new ROW IN THE LABEL who shows the house size type and i want to make 3 types of size: Small,Medium,Big , and for this i am needing something in my gm who will sort or identify the house size . (A variable based) .I tryied with interior ids but , as i said at the top i am a little bit confused because the numbers of small interior ids are repeating to medium and big interiors.

why u not use number code to check house size
eg. number 1 means house size small num 2=medium num3=big

make 1 record in mysql to save number code

when u load 3dtext u can check if house size = 1 means this house is small if size=2 medium blah blah

ps. sorry for my bad english

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