Problem with ConvertFFS?

So, for some reason.. It keeps thinking that the first few lines of script, are vehicles, when they aren't?

I put like hte first 7 lines of code in to check, and it was fine after that.. But when I do like 20k or so at a time, it messes up

Or is it that it shows the vehicles first?

Try using a different converter?

It always shows vehicles first, isn't it logical?

I was about to make a Same thread regarding Convertffs.

I converted MTA race maps to CreateObjects, And the objects were all messed up in each other, Some of them were not visible. I'm sure it's ConvertFFS problem and i hope they fix it fast. :[

I've had this problem for 3 days

Are your maps very far away from mainland?

Well i don't know, But they are very famous (by jacob) and used by lot of people, I'm sure it's not the map, And its all of the Maps i've tested not converting correctly

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