25.10.2014, 16:28
Последний раз редактировалось Neufox; 07.11.2014 в 16:15.

SA-MP's Administration
Filterscript by Neufox
#1 - First release

Upcoming features in next version {v3.0.3z}:
-New and fast INI manager, will be released shortly after tests.
-Advance stats textdraw system
-*Improved anticheat system
-Fixed admin flymode system
-Offline account editor, fully edit player profile wheather online or offline.
Administration filterscript
Version: 2.0.3z
Client: 0.3z
Last Update: 25 October, 2014 [25/10/2014 | Friday]
Creator: Neufox
Script Lines: 13741
Version scheme: {build version}.{sa-mp version in which this system is compiled}
Hello all users/friends/fellow samp mates, i am not new to samp, been playing it since 0.3 beginning. Just managed to create account this month

- Simple & sleek login and register system. You may enable/disable "MustRegister" feature, by so, users can play without registering. "MustLogin feature disabled will let users play without logging in.
Image: http://i.imgur.com/EpwH0jf.png
- Saving and loading systems:
- Dini & Dudb
- y_ini (next version)
- MYSQL (coming soon)
- Easy script configurations. Just handle the macros like a boss:
pawn Код:#define FILTERSCRIPT_ADMIN "admin" // This filterscript name
#define MAX_WARNINGS 5 // Max Warnings
#define MAX_RCON_ATTEMPS 5 // Max Rcon Attemps
#define MAX_REPORTS 7 // Number Max of Reports per Player
#define MAX_CHAT_LINES 7 // Number of chat lines to view in Sv Console
#define SPAM_MAX_MSGS 5 // Max Spam Messages
#define SPAM_TIMELIMIT 8 // In seconds
#define PING_MAX_EXCEEDS 4 // Max Ping Exceeds
#define PING_TIMELIMIT 60 // In seconds
#define MAX_FAIL_LOGINS 3 // Max Login Attempts
#define MAX_ADV_WARNINGS 3 // Max Warnings per Advertisements
#define ANNOUNCES_TIME 6000 // Duration(Miliseconds) of every message in announcements (Only if "Announcements" is enabled) (Default: 6 secs)
#define FLY_INTERVAL 10 // General flymode time interval, less milliseconds, for accurate but may cause lag
#define ENABLE_SPEC true // Enable/Disable Spectating System (If you already using disable it. Set to 'false')
#define ENABLE_LOGS true // Set 'false' if your server runs Linux (Logs wont be Saved!)
#define PM_CHAT_LOG true // Enable/Disable to save PMs in Log
#define ADM_CHAT_LOG true // Enable/Disable to save AdmChat in Log
#define USE_DIALOGS true // Enable/Disable All Dialogs (Not Disable SERVER PASSWORD DIALOG)
#define USE_STATS true // Enable/Disable Statistics
#define ENABLE_ADMIN_IN_MSG false // Put 'admin' in all messages sent by administrators (Ex: David(Admin): Welcome...)
#define SAVE_SCORE true // Enable/Disable to save Player's Score
#define USE_GPS_CP true // Enable/Disable use RaceCheckpoints for indicate players In GPS.
#define GPS_ONLY_CITY true // True = Gps Show Only player City | False = Gps Show Player City and Zone.
#define ENABLE_CONSOLE_CONFIG true // Enable/Disable to Show Basic AdmScript Configuration in Console (When start the AdmScript)
#define ENABLE_2RCON true // Enable/Disable Two Rcon Passwords (2 Rcon passwords for more security!)
#define ENABLE_PM true // Enable/Disable PM Command
#define ENABLE_ANTICHEAT true // Enable/Disable Anticheat system
#define ENABLE_ANTICHEAT_ACTION true // Enable/Disable Anticheat auto action on players
#define RCON2_PASSWORD "adminadmin" //Define the Second RCON Password (Works only if 'ENABLE_2RCON' set to 'true')
#define Color_Basic_Moderator orange //Level 1
#define Color_Moderator orange //Level 2
#define Color_Master_Moderator orange //Level 3
#define Color_Administrator orange //Level 4
#define Color_Master_Administrator orange //Level 5
#define Color_Professional_Admin orange //Level +5 (ex:6,7,8...)
#define Color_RCON_Administrator LIGHTBLUE2 //Rcon Admin
#define ADMIN_FOLDER "SAMP Admin" //The main admin system directory/folder
#define CONFIG_FOLDER "Configurations" //The admin system configuration directory/folder
#define LOGS_FOLDER ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/Logs" //path saving logs
#define ACCOUNTS_FOLDER ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/Accounts" //path saving user data
#define PATH_ACCOUNTS ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/"ACCOUNTS_FOLDER"/%s.ini" //path for saving users data
#define PATH_TEMPBAN ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/Tempbans.ini" //path for saving temp bans
#define PATH_AKA ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/aka.ini" //path for saving player akas
#define PATH_SETTINGS ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/"CONFIG_FOLDER"/Settings.ini" //path for the main config file
#define PATH_FORBIDENNAMES ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/"CONFIG_FOLDER"/ForbiddenNames.ini" //path for forbidden names
#define PATH_FORBIDENWORDS ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/"CONFIG_FOLDER"/ForbiddenWords.ini" //path for forbidden words
#define PATH_FORBIDENWEAPONS ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/"CONFIG_FOLDER"/ForbiddenWeapons.ini" //path for forbidden words
#define PATH_FORBIDENPARTOFNAMES ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/"CONFIG_FOLDER"/ForbiddenPartNames.ini" //path for forbidden part of names
#define PATH_BADRCONLOGINS ""ADMIN_FOLDER"/"CONFIG_FOLDER"/BadRconLogins.ini" //path saving bad rcon logins - Random message system, works totally on textdraws. For adding your own random messages, simply edit the array:
pawn Код:new RandomMessages[][] =
"Suspect of ~r~Cheaters? ~w~Use ~y~/report [id] (reason)",
"Respect ~b~all server ~y~Rules!",
"Buy a ~g~VIP ~w~Account ~b~Today! For access lot of new ~y~features!",
"You not visited we ~g~site?~w~ Visit now: ~p~www.Here.com"
- Colored console texts, easy to read and interactive.
Image: http://i.imgur.com/r6wameS.png
- Dynamic and advance ban system, available with TempBan, RangeBan, OfflineBan, IPBan, & Also a in-game command for searching a user Ban data.
- G.P.S. system (Global position system), thanks to Luxurion. Well i just updated and made some new clean textdraws for GPS.
- Spectating system, now avaliable with 2 textdraws (player textdraws) where you get necessary information about the spectate-id. You can also use your keyboard keys to switch, stated below:
- KEY_JUMP: Spectate next
- KEY_SPRINT: Spectate preious
* There is also available spectating system for vehicles.
- Awesome Anti Cheat system, thanks to Gamer_Z. Well all the anti cheats are stated below:
You can disable the anti cheat if you don't want, simply set macro value to "false".
pawn Код:#define ENABLE_ANTICHEAT true // Enable/Disable Anticheat system
pawn Код:#define ENABLE_ANTICHEAT_ACTION true // Enable/Disable Anticheat auto action on players
- For security, there are 2 RCON passwords, you may change the 2nd RCON password from:
pawn Код:#define RCON2_PASSWORD "adminadmin" //Define the Second RCON Password (Works only if 'ENABLE_2RCON' set to 'true')
pawn Код:#define ENABLE_2RCON true // Enable/Disable Two Rcon Passwords (2 Rcon passwords for more security!) - Model preview selection menu usage, now easily spawn Vehicles, Skins, Weapons from mSelection Menu. Thanks to d0. THe commands are: /skins, /vehicles, /weapons.
Image: http://i.imgur.com/Tm4On1v.png
- BlackList system, now very easily forbid or blacklist stuff from your server dynamically(from in-game or from SAMP Admin folder to Configurations). The Blacklist contains:
- ForbiddenNames
- ForbiddenPartNames
- ForbiddenWeapons
- ForbiddenWords
- Advance team commands, i have seen many server are using team commands, especially Team deathmatch servers. So i have integrated team commands in this script. You can checkout the team commands further in System Commands.
- Advance Admin Control Panel, Control main functions of the script in-game like a BOSS!
Image: http://i.imgur.com/4ypwg7z.jpg
- Advance RCON or Level 5+ admin console panel. Easily use RCON samp commands through simple usage of dialogs.
Image: http://i.imgur.com/XNLFtOh.jpg
- Well, i also wanted to show case my new admin configuration menu, You can open that in game from Admin Control Panel /acp or simply though command: /amenu.
Image: http://i.imgur.com/3gOXT5F.jpg
- New admin fly system, its similar to the hack (FLY) in s0b**t. Checkout the image, its really fun(EDIT: Theres a problem with the system, i will be fixing it on next update - Sorry!)
- Whirlpool hashed passwords(its actually impossible to hack)
- Player Stats saving and loading:
- Password
- Ip
- Registered
- Register Date
- Logged-in
- Banned
- Banned By
- Banned Date
- Banned Reason
- Admin Level
- Account Type(VIP)
- Last Visited server on
- Money
- Kills
- Deaths
- Wanted Level
- * Score
- Hours
- Minutes
- Seconds, played in server
- last positions: x,y,z
- Last weapons: 6 slots
- Server locking and unlocking (using dialogs).
- Anti-Swear system, Anti-Advertisement, Anti-Spam, Anti-Flood...
- Script log system, further is the logs that are saved automatically:
- Admin Chat Log
- Admin Log
- Ban Log(include RangeBans & TempBans)
- Car spawns
- Kick log(include auto kicks)
- PMLog
- Admin immunity system, this is a improved admin immune system, not only the max admin level but all the higher admin levels will be immune to the lower ones. For example: If a level 2 admin tries to kick level 3 or higher admin, no action will be taken, just a error message to the player.
- Admin player statics list, level 2+ can check them: /wanted, /jailed, /frozen, /muted, /miniguns, and lots more...
- Admin duty system, advance and with 3DTextLabel over admin's head in PINK color.
- Unban system, unban a banned user wheather he/she is offline or online. Simply use, /unban (username).
Similar is with ban system, use /aban (username) (reason), this is for advance ban.
- Duel system, Player vs. Player or 1 vs. 1 or PVP styles. Command: /Duel.
- Freeze, unfreeze, jail, unjail, mute, unmute, cage, uncage commands. Prevention and anti-escape system.
- Easy and dynamic system enable/disable functions, config from files or in-game. Functions available:
- MaxPing
- ReadPMs
- ReadCmds
- MaxAdminLevel
- AdminOnlySkins
- AdminSkin
- AdminSkin2
- AntiBot
- AntiSpam
- AntiSwear
- NameKick
- PartNameKick
- NoCaps
- Locked
- SaveWeap
- SaveMoney
- ConnectMessages
- AdminCmdMessages
- AutoLogin
- MaxMuteWarnings
- MustLogin
- MustRegister
- ForbiddenWeapons
- AntiAdvertisements
- Announcements
- TempBans data in one file (.ini).
- Dynamic A.K.A. system, saving players aka in one file. Admin can also check user aka from in-game. With connect aka information(only for admins).
- Special admin chat, with custom level colors. You can change the colors scheme by defining the macros/change value:
pawn Код:#define Color_Basic_Moderator orange //Level 1
#define Color_Moderator orange //Level 2
#define Color_Master_Moderator orange //Level 3
#define Color_Administrator orange //Level 4
#define Color_Master_Administrator orange //Level 5
#define Color_Professional_Admin orange //Level +5 (ex:6,7,8...) - Private message system, With REAP-PM system. You can also disable PM system by setting the macro value to 'false'.
pawn Код:#define ENABLE_PM true // Enable/Disable PM Command - Admin Chat (#), VIP. Chat (*), Admin Level 4+ Chat (!), Admin Level 5+ Chat (.).
Level 1 - Basic Moderator
- PLAYER: /ip, /getinfo, /ping, /searchban, /weaps, /warn
- VEHICLE: /fix, /repair, /addnos, /tcar
- TELEPORT: /saveplacae, /gotoplace, /atele
- USEFULL: /acp, /ahelp, /observations, /level, /setmytime, /aconfig, /asay, /adminarea, /morning, /onduty, /reports, /miniguns, /gotoplace, /saveplace, /useskin, /saveskin, /dontuseskin
- PLAYER: /ban, /aban, /kick, /unban, /setcolour, /burn, /spawn, /giveweapon, /disarm, /highlight, /sync, /jetpack, /goto, /fu, /mute, /unmute, /jail, /unjail, /freeze, /unfreeze, /slap, /screen, /laston, /spec, /specoff
- VEHICLE: /lock, /unlock, /acar, /aheli, /aboat, /aplane, /abike, /vehicles, /flip, /vspec, /vgoto
- TELEPORT: /vgoto, /goto, /agoto
- USEFULL: /skins, /weapons, /ann, /ann2m /clearchat, /agoto, /wanted, /jailed, /muted, /frozen, /fstyles, /write
- PLAYER: /setpass, /setarmour, /sethealth, /setscore, /setskin, /setwanted, /setinterior, /setcash, /setkills, /setdeaths, /givecash, /givrscore, /settime, /setweaher, /setworld, /setname, /eject, /force, /sremovecash, /removecash, /ubound, /givecar, /duel, /teleplayer, /get, /moveplayer, /explode, /akill, /aka");
- VEHICLE: /atune, /carcolour, /car, /carhealth, /destroycar, /vget
- ALL: /servertime, /serverweather, /setgravity, /disablechat, /caps, /clearallchat, /giveallcash, /giveallscore, /healall, /armourall, /setallwanted, /setallskin, /setallweather, /setalltime, /setallworld, /giveallweapon, /gps, /invisible, /visible, /aweaps, /ammo, /setping, /countdown, /move
- PLAYER: /cage, /settemplevel, /rban, /crash, /fakedeath, /tempban
- ALL: /setallscore, /getall, /muteall, /unmuteall, /spawnall, /slapall, /freezeall, /unfreezeall, /killall, /kickall, /explodeall, /disarmall, /ejectall, /setallcash
- TEAM: /teamcmds, /getteam, /freezeteam, /unfreezeteam, /muteteam, /unmuteteam, /healteam, /armourteam, /disarmteam, /giveteamweapon, /spawnteam, /giveteamcash, /giveteamscore, /killteam
- USEFULL: /die, /forbidname, /forbidword, /hide, /unhide, /botcheck, /lockserver, /unlockserver, /uconfig, /teamcmds, /god, /godcar, /amenu, /afly
- PLAYER: /setlevel, /setvip, /fakecmd, /fakechat
- USEFULL: /respawncars, /console, /object, /pickup, /spam
Download the ZIP file: SAMP Admin (Recommended) (v2.0.3z | Quick update - fixed some bugs and added some minor features).
Download the ZIP file: SAMP Admin (v1.0.3z).
- Contains Plugins, Includes, Scriptfiles, source (.pwn and .amx), Server.cfg(example).
Note: the anticheat requires sampgdk plugin, https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=421090
1. How to become admin?
- For making yourself admin, there are two ways:
- Go in-game, (make sure you have loaded "admin.amx" successfully) login as RCON admin (/rcon login <password>). After you have logged in, a Authorization message will come from the admin system, then type /setlevel (your id) (level you desire). Now you are done, don't tell me you can access admin commands without setting you level, its because RCON admin can use all commands.
- Go in game, register your account (if already registered, ignore this). Quit game. Go to Accounts Folder and open your profile, Change the value of Level:
Neufox - Creating the script
Luxurion - GPS. system
Lethal - Blacklist help
DracoBlue - Dini, Dudb include
****** - Whirlpool, sscanf plugin
Gamer_Z - AntiCheat plugin
cosmy - Colored console text plugin
d0 - mSelection include
Zeex - Zcmd include