26.10.2014, 12:47
Последний раз редактировалось HY; 27.10.2014 в 16:52.
- This it's a simple, but advanced In-Game Teleport Creator, wich create a teleport !
- In this Filescript, you can choose your command proccesor : DINI,STRCMP,Y_INI,ZCMD !
- Filescript, after creation will be saved in "%s.pwn", where %s = Your teleport name, saved in a PWN file !
- If you're curios, about his structure, you can see right here PWN file structure !

- Solidfiles ;
- Pastebin ;
- You need to be logged as RCON Admin, by writing "/Rcon Login "Your PASSWORD" !
- I wait critics from you all !
- This it's a simple, but advanced In-Game Teleport Creator, wich create a teleport !
- In this Filescript, you can choose your command proccesor : DINI,STRCMP,Y_INI,ZCMD !
- Filescript, after creation will be saved in "%s.pwn", where %s = Your teleport name, saved in a PWN file !
- If you're curios, about his structure, you can see right here PWN file structure !

- Solidfiles ;
- Pastebin ;
- You need to be logged as RCON Admin, by writing "/Rcon Login "Your PASSWORD" !
- I wait critics from you all !