09.10.2014, 13:17
Hello again.
I need a help to fix this issue, i have been trying to fix it since 1 week now but no luck. I had recently posted a topic for same stuff but i didn't understand properly from what ****** posted there. So, instead of bumping that thread i thought of making a new one with the code i have.
The problem is, the vehicles that player bought are not loading when player connects to the server. Only house data loads but not vehicles.
These are the code:
Saving house and vehicle data:
Loading functions:
And this is the function to load them differently in different callbacks
The House_LoadAll(HouseID); goes inside OnGameModeInit() and Housing_LoadAll(HouseID, true); goes to OnPlayerConnect callback.
Normal house data just loads fine in OnGameModeInit callback but vehicle data refuses to load in OnPlayerConnect.
Please someone help me to fix this, its important
These are the stuffs i got inside the house file
The code was suppose to load different tags in two different callbacks. House inside OnGameModeInit and Vehicles inside OnPlayerConnect.
I need a help to fix this issue, i have been trying to fix it since 1 week now but no luck. I had recently posted a topic for same stuff but i didn't understand properly from what ****** posted there. So, instead of bumping that thread i thought of making a new one with the code i have.
The problem is, the vehicles that player bought are not loading when player connects to the server. Only house data loads but not vehicles.
These are the code:
Saving house and vehicle data:
pawn Код:
INI:HFile = INI_Open(House_Directory(HouseID)),
INI_SetTag(HFile, "@@House-data");
INI_WriteString(HFile, "HouseName", gHouseData[HouseID][HouseName]);
INI_WriteFloat(HFile, "HouseX", gHouseData[HouseID][HouseX]);
//More bellow
for (new v_index; v_index < 10; v_index++)
if (gHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][v_index] != 0)
vid = gHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][v_index];
INI_SetTag(HFile, "@@Vehicles-data");
INI_WriteInt(HFile, "VehicleModel", gVehicleInfo[vid][Model]);
INI_WriteInt(HFile, "Fuel", gVehicleInfo[vid][Fuel]);
INI_WriteInt(HFile, "VehiclePaintJob", gVehicleInfo[vid][PaintJob]);
INI_WriteInt(HFile, "VehicleSpoiler", gVehicleInfo[vid][Components][0]);
INI_WriteInt(HFile, "VehicleHood", gVehicleInfo[vid][Components][1]);
INI_WriteInt(HFile, "VehicleRoof", gVehicleInfo[vid][Components][2]);
//More bellow
pawn Код:
Function:LoadHouse_data(HouseID, name[], value[])
INI_String("HouseName", gHouseData[HouseID][HouseName], 100);
INI_Float("HouseX", gHouseData[HouseID][HouseX]);
INI_Float("HouseY", gHouseData[HouseID][HouseY]);
INI_Float("HouseZ", gHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]);
INI_Int("HouseLevel", gHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel]);
//More bellow
return 1;
Function:LoadVehicles_data(vid, name[], value[])
INI_Int("VehicleModel", gVehicleInfo[vid][Model]);
INI_Int("Fuel", gVehicleInfo[vid][Fuel]);
INI_Int("VehiclePaintJob", gVehicleInfo[vid][PaintJob]);
INI_Int("VehicleSpoiler", gVehicleInfo[vid][Components][0]);
INI_Int("VehicleHood", gVehicleInfo[vid][Components][1]);
INI_Int("VehicleRoof", gVehicleInfo[vid][Components][2]);
//More bellow
return 1;
pawn Код:
Housing_LoadAll(HouseID, bool:OnlyVehicles = false)
if(OnlyVehicles == false)
INI_ParseFile(House_Directory(HouseID), "LoadHouse_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = HouseID, .bFilter = true, .filter = "House");
gHouseData[HouseID][HouseOpened] = false;
for (new v_index; v_index < 10; v_index++)
if (gHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][v_index] != 0)
vid = gHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][v_index];
INI_ParseFile(House_Directory(HouseID), "LoadVehicles_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = HouseID, .bFilter = true, .filter = "Vehicles");
House_AddVehicle(HouseID, gVehicleInfo[vid][Model], gVehicleInfo[vid][PaintJob], gVehicleInfo[vid][Components], gVehicleInfo[vid][SpawnX], gVehicleInfo[vid][SpawnY], gVehicleInfo[vid][SpawnZ], gVehicleInfo[vid][SpawnRot], gVehicleInfo[vid][Color1], gVehicleInfo[vid][Color2]);
Normal house data just loads fine in OnGameModeInit callback but vehicle data refuses to load in OnPlayerConnect.
Please someone help me to fix this, its important
These are the stuffs i got inside the house file
[@@House-data] HouseName = {FFFFFF}House of Shubham HouseX = 1463.220703 HouseY = 1001.149169 HouseZ = 10.820312 HouseLevel = 1 [@@Vehicles-data] VehicleModel = 560 Fuel = 5986 Color1 = -1 Color2 = -1 VehicleX = 1451.905273 VehicleY = 1003.708618 VehicleZ = 10.525576 VehicleAngle = 173.947708 Clamped = false