Ban Evading

Hi there

We are running very popular server but we have some problems with some people who didn't get admin level and they got permanently banned. The thing is, they are changing their IP with some programs and ban evading, some of them just restart the router or internet and get a new IP.

Is there any way to make Anti Ban Evading script?

They're prolly using VPN or they got dynamic IP's. Nothing can be done soz.

You can range ban them but I do not suggest that unless it is really necessary.

Range banning them may also ban innocent people.

How to range ban (example).

In ban list we have this IP:

So if we want to range ban it then we must add this to the ban list:


But, as I said, only use that if it is really necessary.

Also, you can ban proxys.

Good luck

my script has a system, where when you are banned it saves who banned you, the date, and reason, as well as your ip to a database.

When someone connects, it goes through that database and pulls the IP. If the IP is similar to the banned one (like range banning) it will send a warning message to admins, with the banned IP and their IP.

Actually, the best way to stop someone from ban evading is to unban him. C'mon, it's a game give them chances, in case they still continue than just unban their real accounts and make a short script like this:
pawn Код:
new Fucker[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnGameModeInit()
    SetTimer("Fuckyoubanevaders", 60*1000, 1);
    return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    if(playerid == banned) Fucker[playerid] = 1; //make ur own saving system for this variable
    return 1;

forward Fuckyoubanevaders();
public Fuckyoubanevaders()
    for(new playerid; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid ++)
    if(Fucker[playerid] == 1)
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0);
        GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -25000);
        //and so on..
    return 1;
but do not let them know about this secret code, if they ask just tell them it's a bug.. they will stop playing ur server themself..

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