[Plugin] Streamer Plugin

When i'm trying attach Dynamic3DTextLabel to vehicle and players, allways showing on fix position. How can i change xyz pos?

Originally Posted by PT
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Only bad write or is that the name of function?
That is bad write and GetPlayerDynamicVehicleID has been removed from plugin so now this beta is useless, soory. Will be fixed everyting in beta 2.

1. No it won't
2. So? There are high-density areas now anyway
3. With vehicle limit 2000? Yeah, right...
4. No, they actually sometimes spawn inside each other now when server spawns vehicles of people who connect on top of other ones

Stop defending vehicle limit and let others experiment with and enjoy streaming, not's not YOUR problem if it'll be "silly"

Originally Posted by DiDok
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1. No it won't
2. So? There are high-density areas now anyway
3. With vehicle limit 2000? Yeah, right...
4. No, they actually sometimes spawn inside each other now when server spawns vehicles of people who connect on top of other ones

Stop defending vehicle limit and let others experiment with and enjoy streaming, not's not YOUR problem if it'll be "silly"
Okay let me elaborate more on these points.
1.) Say you have a large server volume of players with a huge amount of vehicles 10000+ you can only have 2000 vehicles created at one time that will significantly reduce the stream distance causing pop-ins at low draw distance.
2.) I'm talking about excessive high-density for instance on a RP server that thinks they don't have to despawn vehicles when players disconnect you could potentially get thousands of vehicles at the mall that would not be good.
3.) Read point 2 now you understand why some may not spawn.
4.) It does happen but this will exponentially increase that probability.

Obviously your not thinking all this through there is going to be some serious issues streaming vehicles I'm just pointing out the facts. Here is another fact for you people like yourself that only see the bells and whistles but take absolutely no consideration towards functional plausibility. Yes in some cases where you have lower amounts of streamed vehicles and less player counts this could work as expected but those servers wouldn't need that many vehicles anyways and the ones that do are going to have serious issues using this.

Originally Posted by DiDok
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1. No it won't
2. So? There are high-density areas now anyway
3. With vehicle limit 2000? Yeah, right...
4. No, they actually sometimes spawn inside each other now when server spawns vehicles of people who connect on top of other ones

Stop defending vehicle limit and let others experiment with and enjoy streaming, not's not YOUR problem if it'll be "silly"
i can't understand how U can be so blind on this.. Of course will give alot of problems U will see soon if this project continues.

I only hopes incoginito keeps an version without vehicle streamer.

Originally Posted by PT
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i can't understand how U can be so blind on this.. Of course will give alot of problems U will see soon if this project continues.

I only hopes incoginito keeps an version without vehicle streamer.
I doubt he will put it in it doesn't fit the plugin at all as everything in the plugin that wraps SAMP functions is per-player based functions CreatePlayerObject(), CreatePlayer3DTextLabel() with the exception being Pick Ups however the intention is not to over come the limit as with vehicle streaming.

In This Update ! My DynamicObjects Not Load !

No, I need, and i'll do it

If you use maps outside of SA and you want to use cars everywhere, example for houses, then the 2000 is NOT enough. Bigger vehicle limit != lot of vehicles at same place, it depends on server owners. You can create lot of object at same place, you can fuck up your server with vehicles too like with objects.

Did somebody moved lot of vehicle to same place with cheat/hack? You can respawn vehicles which has been moved from their spawn position too far and kick cheater.

Hello! I'm having problems .. When I turn on my server appears : PLUGINS FAILED !!

I can't download it! Please new link!


Originally Posted by NaS
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I'm using 2.7.2 and everything works well, but as I tested 2.73 & 2.74 I got the same problem. Tho it seems to only appear if there are many labels?
If you use extra_ids anywhere you'll have a problem. They default to -1 now instead of 0.

Originally Posted by nemesis-
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If you use extra_ids anywhere you'll have a problem. They default to -1 now instead of 0.
That's not the cause, I use them but check carefully for wrong indexes. Also, it does not matter what their default is, since I set them once I use them.

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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It would be helpful if you could write a minimal script to reproduce this bug so it can be confirmed by others (and thus, fixed either by others or Incognito).

The 3D label delete function works on my end (on all those versions, only tested on a Windows public server however). Looking at your code, it is likely the implementation that's causing this.
I found that it was because of the Worlds array.. Today, I tried to remove those loops (for World array), and placed the labels in all the worlds (-1). And they actually worked. Not only that, it also gave me a serious weird problem i.e.
non-responding pickups..
None of my pickups are working now....

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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Hmm, come to think of it I think I noticed some oddities with objects in separate worlds. Particularly while spectating a player who was in another world, objects with worldid -1 showed fine, but objects/areas with the specific worldid (1) I was spectating didn't appear (player and spectating player both in VW 1 obviously). I'll look into this some more.
I tried to debug everything, but nothing showed up. The OnPlayerPickupDynamicPickUp callback didn't get called AT ALL.
And then, I tried to replace some of my old steamer settings by downloading 2.7.3 version again, I configured some shit on my code too, and suddenly... BOOM! Everything worked. I still can't find where the problem was, but happy now for fixing it somehow...

Hi. I have big problem with new streamer ( 2.7.4 )
I can not load plugin. ServerLog:

Loading plugin: streamer

Script[gamemodes/rp-script.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

[debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[debug]  GetDynamicObjectPos
[debug]  CreateDynamicMapIcon
[debug]  CreateDynamicRectangle
[debug]  CreateDynamicPickup
[debug]  DestroyDynamicMapIcon
[debug]  DestroyDynamicPickup

If you tried on Windows, install the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1

Okay it works. Thanks.

Isn't it weird that streamer plugin 2.7 works for my gamemode in Windows and if I try it on linux it says the include file does not match plugin version? What da hell :/

Originally Posted by khimera
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Isn't it weird that streamer plugin 2.7 works for my gamemode in Windows and if I try it on linux it says the include file does not match plugin version? What da hell :/
Did you replace and compile ALL files regarding the streamer again? Even a second time to be sure? Because it's unlikely that this happens, all working fine for me.

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