pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
new command[32],params[96];
if (strfind(cmdtext, " ", false) != -1)
strmid(command, cmdtext, 0, strfind(cmdtext, " ", false));
strmid(params, cmdtext, strfind(cmdtext, " ", false), strlen(cmdtext));
if (strcmp(command, "//", true) == 0)
new AdminName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], AdminText[128];
format(AdminText,sizeof(AdminText),"%s: %s",AdminName,params);
return 1;
return 0;
Here you go mate. The first "if" finds the space between the command and the parameters (/command parameters). The second if is your command ( // [text] ). What this does is send everything the player types after //[space] to the admins.
Just add everything in your OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) and it should work.