[Plugin] [REL] ScriptPlayer 1.2 by Pghpunkid - Custom Audio Plugin [Update June 23rd]

Finally, the long awaited project based on the idea of hansen111, Sound Unlimited, is now available!

Incase you have missed the discussion over this, this plugin and client combination allows the use of custom audio tracks for your scripts.

Features To Add
-Ability to Control Volume Via Script.
-Multi-Track Audio.

1.1 - Initial Release
1.2 - Security Updates [Highly Suggested]

Installation Instructions
1. Load the plugin.
2. Load the default script.
3. Run the client.
4. Connect to the ScriptPlayer Port. NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE SAMP SERVER PORT.
5. Join Server.
6. You should hear the GTA 3 Intro music while choosing your skin.

Use this FS as reference to adding audio in your own scripts.

OS Compatability
Client: Windows
Server: Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu, Windows
Linux versions should not have to be recompiled to work.

File Compatability
ScriptPlayer is WMA, WAV, MP3 and OGG compatible for local files. ScriptPlayer also allows the use of files remotely, as long as it works with Windows Media Player.

SPPlayForPlayer(playerid,URL[]) - This will play the audio clip URL for playerid.

SPPlayForAll(URL[]) - This will play the audio clip URL for everyone.

SPStopForPlayer(playerid) - This will stop any playing clips for playerid.

SPStopForAll() - This will stop any playing clips for everyone.

SPSync(playerid,playername[]) - This is mandatory when a player connects, to synchronize them to their connection with the client.

SPDesync(playerid) - This is mandatory when a player disconnects, to desynchronize their connection with the client.

SPSendInfoToPlayer(playerid,message[]) - This will send message to the playerid's client.

SPSendInfoToAll(playerid,message[]) - This will send message to all of the connected players clients.

SPCreate(port) - This will begin the ScriptPlayer server on port.
NOTE: Do not make this the same port as the SAMP Server, and if your dedicated, make sure that port is not used before you start this on that port.

SPClose() - This will stop the ScriptPlayer server.

SPConnected(playerid) - This is used to see if playerid is using ScriptPlayer, and is connected.


If you just want to hear the sounds on the servers download the Player Package. If you run a server and want to play the sounds, get the Server Package. If your curious how i did this, download the source package. Please read the License Agreement included in these packages.

Nov. 24th 2009 - No Longer Supported - Links Died, No Time. If you wish to modify the source and re-release, you can.

Ill keep working to make this better.. so post suggestions/problems/complaints.

JeNkStAX - For helping me a TON with understanding plugins and learning a lot of C/C++.
kaisersouse - For some encouraging words about perseverance.
Lavamike, s0nic, wHoOpEr - For helping me test and debug the issues, and hosting the debug sessions.
Leopard - For helping me test the very first IRC Based version of ScriptPlayer.
Specter - For supplying a Windows Host for testing.
Everyone who helped me keep this project going. Your support is appreciative!

Known Issues
Since the client was made in VB6 it may require VB6 Runtimes or other requirements like mswinsck.ocx for example. They can be found by searching ******, and placed in the system32 directory.
Have fun!

Nice Job Pghpunkid

Very nice work, I'll be using this!

Nice work, I'm going to test this now.


Just tested it, works very well. Also in help its says the status boc will display ..... etc etc
I'm guessing it is a typo of box?

My name is in special thanks part (credits on the client)

Originally Posted by Gappy
Just tested it, works very well. Also in help its says the status boc will display ..... etc etc
I'm guessing it is a typo of box?
Yeah. Been pulling some crazy hours on this project.. missed it.

Someone pointed something out to me from the SAMP Channel and until its fixed, the server downloads are suspended until its fixed.. I do not recommend the use of the 1.1 plugin. Ill have 1.2 out in about an hour or 2.

Awesome, but..
Your webserver is dead :P

Good job.

Originally Posted by watkijkje
Awesome, but..
Your webserver is dead :P
nah i cant afford a decent host so i have to use a free one and they suck bad.

Good job!

One suggestion: since MSWINSCK.OCX is a Visual Basic control and non-standard to Windows, you might consider packaging it with your client for convenience.

All players need to download the player to hear the sounds? :S

yes, btw had a blast testing this.

Is it possible to make it that players dont need to download nothing?

If not maybe its possible to include it in SAMP, so everyone haves it when downloads new SAMP version?

This is great Pghpunkid, gotta give you props.

I am telling you I was able to get some beta testing while Pghpunkid was packaging everything up and this baby rocks, so many new possiblility to samp and this is just sounds Man I don't know how many times people have asked "Won't it be cool if we could listen to streaming music in samp" and now they can. Once again great job guys!!! I'll stop back by once I got all creepy music and zombie sounds up so you can check it out.

Originally Posted by KeyWay
Is it possible to make it that players dont need to download nothing?

If not maybe its possible to include it in SAMP, so everyone haves it when downloads new SAMP version?
Unless Kye (The dev of SA:MP) wants to add it, no.

It was fun testing, some VERY VERY cool features for me at least:

You can STREAM audio files from the internet!!! Just upload a song somewhere and put the URL in. A downside of this is if the URL is too long it may not go through. But here's your fix: http://www.************

Put the dl URL in there and convert it to a smaller one, you can use that and it works!!

And another great feature, you can stream everyone into your shoutcast server. Imagine your server has a radio and you can have it say /tunein to tune into the radio. Perfect!

Really great plugin/app!

Very nice work!

Been waiting for this, a big fan, will begin testing and integrate it into a script im working on.

So much fun testing..funny music was played..i played a clip from moanmyip.com,they thought it was real pron..
Most likely will continue helping out..hope to see it progress more..not only in the client/plugin itself but in servers..as in being used for different things as i will.

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