[FilterScript] Jakwobs Xp/Lvl/Prestige system (fully saving)

This is my first post here, i have never released any of my scripts before but i hope i can release more soon.

I was looking for a Xp/level system for my server i was creating and i never found one the suits me and meets my needs so i created this Filterscript and now i am not working on my server i thought i would share it for everyone to use.


Experiance, level and prestige system, it can be customized so for example you complete a job or DM then you can make it give the player the desired amount of xp, on leveling up you will receive a payment for you success on leveling up and you will recieve a huge $1 million when you prestige. The system saves individual level profile in a seprate folder to where your accounts will be saved.

  • Experiance points
  • Levels
  • Prestige Levels
  • Fully Saving (not affecting player saving)
  • Auto Level up
  • Payday on level up

/ranks - Check your ranks and see what you can do to earn ranks
/givexp - Give yourself xp (Rcon Admins only)
/givelvl - Give yourself Levels (Rcon Admins Only


You will need the required includes in order to run this filterscript;
  • zcmd
  • YSI
You will need to create a folder in scriptfiles called "Levels" (without this saving will not happen).

Download Version 1.0
Download (sendspace.com) [Version 1.0]
Pastebin [Version 1.0]

Version 1.1 Update

New & Updated Commands:
  • (Updated) /givexp <playerid> <1 - 99>
  • (Updated) /givelevel <playerid> <1 - 99>
  • (New) /giveprestige <playerid> <1 - 99>
  • (Example) /veh - Only players with Prestige can use /veh
  • (New) /myrank
  • (new) /resetrank <playerid> (Reset a players rank)
Full list of commands:
  • /rankhelp - player command
  • /myrank - player command
  • /givexp - Admin command
  • /givelvl - Admin command
  • /giveprestige - Admin command
  • /resetrank - Admin command
  • /veh - Prestige level + only
Changed Level up notification from SendClientMessage to GameTextForPlayer

Download Version 1.1:
Here (sendspace.com)
Here (pastebin.com)

Rank Help

Level Up

Prestige level

My Rank

If you find any bugs or have any problems with this FS please PM me and i will resolve the problem.

pawn Code:
CMD:givexp(playerid, params[])
    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))return 0;
                rInfo[playerid][xp] += 50;
        return 1;
rInfo[playerid][xp] += 50;
what is +=50?

Originally Posted by SturtIndia
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pawn Code:
CMD:givexp(playerid, params[])
    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))return 0;
                rInfo[playerid][xp] += 50;
        return 1;
rInfo[playerid][xp] += 50;
what is +=50?
50 is the amount that gets added to your score.

Thats right WIzdo as i used them commands to test if the system is working fine

Originally Posted by Wizdo
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50 is the amount that gets added to your score.
Originally Posted by Jakwob
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Thats right WIzdo as i used them commands to test if the system is working fine
I know WIzdo but is it max? Mean to say that can you make it to [ /command (ammount) ] EG

The Max xp is 100 then it levels you up. the max Level is 100 and then you prestige, and from then you can reach any prestige level, its easy to change what level you want to be max by changing this
 if(rInfo[playerid][xp] > 100)
i will be updating the commands so admins can put there own value in instead of 50 also i will be adding textdraws and some more little features.


thanks ZenBish i been checking your mapping out there awesome .

useful for Fun servers
nice job.

Looks good I will try it out, good job!

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