Destroy vehicle without a player in it

It is possible to destroy a vehicle with a player driving it, but it's impossible to do so when nobody is in it.
How can I make it possible? Which file do I need to edit?

Thanks in advance!

nothing is impossible if u're a good scripter, or have some abilites like Kar

well, there's a callback "publie OnPlayerWeaponShot" u can use it

Originally Posted by PMH
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nothing is impossible if u're a good scripter, or have some abilites like Kar

well, there's a callback "publie OnPlayerWeaponShot" u can use it
The problem is that I'm a noob, so I don't know which file to edit. I'm using 0.3z.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
    if (hittype == BULLET_HIT_TYPE_VEHICLE) // Checking if the player shot a vehicle
    // Now hitid is the vehicleid
        new Float:vhp;
        GetVehicleHealth(hitid, vhp);
        switch (weaponid)
            case WEAPON_DEAGLE: SetVehicleHealth(hitid, vhp - 75);// Checking if the weapon is a desert eagle, then removing from the vehicle health 75 hp. You can modify it of course.
            // Add your own, just giving and example.
        return 0; // Preventing the default damage if someone was in a vehicle. All vehicle damage (Driver and no driver) is now like this.
    return 1;

Originally Posted by Stinged
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pawn Код:
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
    if (hittype == BULLET_HIT_TYPE_VEHICLE) // Checking if the player shot a vehicle
    // Now hitid is the vehicleid
        new Float:vhp;
        GetVehicleHealth(hitid, vhp);
        switch (weaponid)
            case WEAPON_DEAGLE: SetVehicleHealth(hitid, vhp - 75);// Checking if the weapon is a desert eagle, then removing from the vehicle health 75 hp. You can modify it of course.
            // Add your own, just giving and example.
        return 0; // Preventing the default damage if someone was in a vehicle. All vehicle damage (Driver and no driver) is now like this.
    return 1;

Originally Posted by cessil
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I don't think he actually need this for his idea

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