Can samp add other image to game like mta?

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Yes, use Image2Textdraw tool you can find it in Tools section!

Originally Posted by Mzake
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Yes, use Image2Textdraw tool you can find it in Tools section!
it's use lot memory and it lost many textdraw

if i want to use this fuction i must develop in mta not samp

hope this fuction add in future samp version

As Gamer_Z said above, it never will be. In you beloved MTA you have Mario Kart servers, or Donkey Kong Reloaded. Mario meets Sonic the hedgehog etc. San Andreas Multiplayer aspires to stick to it's guns and keep it as San Andreas, that's why it's the most popular San Andreas Modification.

Plus it's in LUA (Puke).

EDIT: Also because of Image Copyright, atleast 2 of those Images I know are copyrighted, which you have in your screen shot.

thanks for answer i think i could study about samp custom img to add other txd file

i design samp patcher for my server include Anticheat software running in background

ps.sry for my all bad english, my english not strong
ps2. sry about example pic a grab it from mta forums

Not only Image2Textdraw, also:

I don't know if you want this but you can show objects

Originally Posted by OKStyle
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i see this function use a lot of string(not sure), i worried about server memory usage/load time

Originally Posted by davve95
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I don't know if you want this but you can show objects
yep another way i think i use mSelection include and modify to menu ingame haha

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