Player Crasher Hack


I do not know if it's the right thread to post this, but I did not find a better place for it.
The situation is the following:

In my server there is a guy who crahses players with some hack. I'd like to know what it is or how can I defend my server against it. There is no crash log, because the game freezes, and the exe must be stopped withd ctrl+alt+del.
It's happening within the streamer loading radius.

If you know who's that guy, log events he's pushing to your server (in callbacks, such as OnPlayerGiveDamage etc.) and log how his data changes by time (in OnPlayerUpdate). If you know exactly, which player does harm, log only his data (i suggest to write that log to separate file).

Here's example of data logging (I wrote it as "sandbox" gamemode for testing new cheats and crashers).

I have the same problem! Help

Same problem here...

This is most likely related to fake weapon data. We had this problem a while ago on the Mini-Missions server. Basically checking if the weapon is 0 should keep out most idiots. Return 0 in OnPlayerWeaponShot and kick them. It's not entirely water proof; very rarely a false positive occurs during a changemode so I wouldn't advise banning straight away. Log file from that event:

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