[FilterScript] Advanced Rank System

Advanced Rank System

Finally the script that was being waiting by much people and from people who pm me for this update to Advanced Rank System is near to you

It has much new commands , not only the textdraw as it was on the old rank system , ( OUT DATED ) but it has much new Features !!!

Features :
•/myrank CMD witch show your rank based on your score
•/ranks CMD witch show all ranks of this server
•Textdraw on top of your screen , witch show your rank based on your score
It is quite easy to be used !

All rights reserved ©
Not allowed to change credits
Not allowed to post it as your own
Not allowed to sell it as your own
Not allowed to post mirrors except the ones that are created from OWNER/SCRIPTER of this FilterScript
Allowed to edit it for your own work
Allowed to share it with your friends (GIVING CREDITS TO ME AND NOT TO YOUR SELF)

Credits :
Me => For work , error/warning removing , making commands etc
Adytza. => Giving ideas , making the textdraws get updated and testing it for me

Downloads :

Version 1.0.0 [ Outdated ]

Pastebin : http://pastebin.com/84AAbpw4
Solidfiles : http://www.solidfiles.com/d/ed8e1e02dc/

Version 2.1.0 [ Outdated ]

Pastebin Download
Solidfiles Download

Version 2.5.0 [ Updated ]



[V 2.1.0]
The bunch of "OnPlayerUpdate" code has been removed.
Everything that was at "OnPlayerUpdate" has been putted in a command "/rankup"
Every command has been added on the /rankhelp

[V 2.5.0]
No "/rankup" anymore as rank will get updated automatically.
•None for the moment
Feel free to rep+

Hope you like it !

Regards ,

So what do you think about it ?

I am working on V2 .

What should i put on my next update ?

Note :
•If someone wanna buy this script , PM me
•If someone give an idea , and there are much of that idea , then i will add it on my next update
•If someone give an idea , and there are no people else except that one who wanna add that in next update , that one , could just give me 2$ and i add that privtly on the script and i send it to him

  1. The huge chunk of code in OnPlayerUpdate isn't efficient. It gets called for all players around 30 times a second, causing lag.
  2. This is not advanced at ALL. You could have optimized this a lot more.
  3. Why would someone pay for it when you've already released it?

For adding things that only that person want , specidic things , and yes ,it has allthe requrments to be an advanced rank , it has cmd , textdraw etc , and aboutnthe OnPlayerUpate ,ill try to fix on next update

3/10. Like VincentDunn said, it'll definitely cause some lag. Try to put some more effort into it.

Originally Posted by NoahF
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3/10. Like VincentDunn said, it'll definitely cause some lag. Try to put some more effort into it.
I'll have a look at it and i will fix it on my next update . Thanks for reporting guys

I updated it. Sorry for late replies but I have been busy with real life.

Changelogs on V2:

Players will use /rankup to get in the new rank, so the bunch of the "OnPlayerUpdate" and it's lag has been evaded.
All commands and their use has been putted on the "/rankhelp" command

Can u post some pics pls ??

any SS? any way, nice I'll use it. thanks.

Sorry but never though the screenshots would be necessary as what I wrote says everything, but anyway, I uploaded some photos.

Thanks for the good comments.

Instead of putting 'RANK NAME X' everywhere in the script for the person to change, have the names editable in-game. Either in dialogs or something like /setrankname [rank] [new name]

Originally Posted by RayWilliam
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Thats cool, REP!
Thank you.

Originally Posted by zDevon
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Instead of putting 'RANK NAME X' everywhere in the script for the person to change, have the names editable in-game. Either in dialogs or something like /setrankname [rank] [new name]
I'm not going to do this as it's a rank based system. You get this amount of score to get this rank. Put someone score to XXXX amount and he'll get level up, so this is not going to be in any of the updates. If you're going to edit this, then you're allowed to do so. If you want, PM me when you feel that you can't do it,

Best of luck.

To , I liked it cuz I know u spent time to now that , and BTW , I can change the text whenever I want right?


Yea, you can change it whenever you want and when you're going to change it, the player has to update it in game using the /rankup command, witch I'm going to update it to an automatic updater witch will happen every 1 minute, lower lag and it will be better so far.

Nice work mate

Originally Posted by Madox123
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Nice work mate
Thank you pal.

EDIT: I'm going to make a new update to this witch will include the AUTO-UPDATE of your rank, this wont be in the "OnPlayerUpdate" section, as it will cause lag, but the update will happen every 1 minute, less lag, I think.


Version 2.5.0 update.

What consists on this version?:

It's not a huge update but I just removed the /rankup and changed it to automatically rank up, so, it means that the rank will get updated automatically every 1 minute. I've putted a message that shows "This thing works" so, when you test it, it will show you that it's being working normally and perfectly.

Are there any bugs?:

No, I didn't detect any on my test. If you do, feel free to report it over here.



That's the only download method for now.

Thank you.

Originally Posted by Private200
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Sorry but never though the screenshots would be necessary as what I wrote says everything, but anyway, I uploaded some photos.

Thanks for the good comments.
server ip please

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