07.08.2012, 13:30
[Tutorial] SA:MP Server on a Linux Based Server
07.08.2012, 14:11
Let's get a web server running!
Well, that's pretty much it.
If something blatantly isn't right, give me a buzz, and I'll fix it up.
Howdy folks, me again with a long-winded tutorial.
That being said, I use automation scripts to get web servers deployed because... well... it's easier.
Luckily, these scripts are out in the open and made by some great guys. I'll credit them appropriately, and let you know how to get in contact with them.
Requirements: Quite seriously, I've ran a full SA:MP server and a web server stack in under 128MB of RAM - That said, I'd recommend you opt for at least 256MB RAM for a small community. If you're a large community, scale appropriately. I've split this into two sections, a Debian based section (Debian/Ubuntu) and RHL based section (CentOS/Fedora/Scientific Linux) as the scripts I use aren't cross compatible with the different package managers. So in short, please ensure you're using the latest version of your chosen Linux distribution. Common sense - Seriously, I've deployed these scripts hundreds of times. If you've managed to mess it up, you're doing it wrong. |
RHL Based Distros A Script?! Below is a script that pretty much sets everything up automatically in five minutes. Although you can look at the code yourself, I'll run through what it does:
So, quite simply, run these two commands. and hit enter, or type 'Yes' when prompted. Код:
yum -y install wget --noplugins wget freevps.us/downloads/nginx-centos-6.sh -O - |bash Congratulations! Type in your server's IP and you should get a 'Welcome to Nginx Page' If you haven't already set up the MySQL server (see the first post) you'll need to secure it up. Luckily, there's a simple command with prompts that'll help you with that. Код:
/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation The chap who made this script was kind enough to make a script that automatically generates virtual host files for Nginx. So, presuming your website is virt.io, you'd run the following command Код:
setup-vhost virt.io Simple, right? PHPMyAdmin! Well, I'm not a huge fan of it, but I guess some people need it. In essence, what we need to do is download it, extract the archive, and plonk the files into your web directory. Simple. Note: This presumes the latest stable version of PhpMyAdmin is - If this topic is old when you read it, make sure you're downloading the latest version. Adjust the commands where necessary. Код:
yum install unzip cd /var/www/yourdomain.com http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/project/phpmyadmin/phpMyAdmin/ unzip phpMyAdmin- mv phpMyAdmin- pma Easy. |
Debian Based Distros Scripts! Firstly, log into your server via SSH, and create a folder for the scripts. These scripts automate the process, so there's less for you to mess up. Код:
mkdir tuxlite cd tuxlite Then, download and extract the Tuxlite files into that directory using the wget and tar commands. Код:
wget http://tuxlite.com/scripts/lnmp-debian-m...9944801tar zxf lnmp-debian-multiuser-dotdeb.tar.gz Once this is done, it’s advisable to make a couple changes to the options.conf file. The TuxLite script automatically sets the root MySQL password, as well as sets the apt repository to use both Debian’s Squeeze and DotDeb’s repositories Luckily, this is very simple to edit using the nano command, or if you prefer, vi. Код:
nano options.conf Get Installed! Firstly, ensure the files can be executed. Код:
chmod 777 *.sh chmod 777 options.conf When prompted, enter your MySQL root password, and optionally configure the self-signed SSL certificate. Код:
./setup.sh apt ./setup.sh lnmp ./setup.sh optimizelnmp Now you have a fully working LNMP stack, you can now add individual domains using the domain.sh script. Please note, you can not add domains under root, so you may need to use the adduser command beforehand. To add a domain, use the following command whilst in your tuxlite directory. Код:
./domain.sh add yourusername yourdomain.name Well, I'm not a huge fan of it, but I guess some people need it. In essence, what we need to do is download it, extract the archive, and plonk the files into your web directory. Simple. Note: This presumes the latest stable version of PhpMyAdmin is - If this topic is old when you read it, make sure you're downloading the latest version. Adjust the commands where necessary. Код:
apt-get install unzip cd /home/yourusername/yourdomain.com/public_html/ http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/project/phpmyadmin/phpMyAdmin/ unzip phpMyAdmin- mv phpMyAdmin- pma Simple. |
If something blatantly isn't right, give me a buzz, and I'll fix it up.
07.08.2012, 14:14
Umm shoulda been in the top part not comments lol
but good job

07.08.2012, 14:18
31.08.2012, 16:01
Awsome Tutorial!
01.09.2012, 06:33
Why isn't this inside the tutorial area?
01.09.2012, 06:37
Nice but can ya tell how to install restarter ?? a step to step guide please ?
29.06.2013, 04:12
Let's get a web server running!
Howdy folks, me again with a long-winded tutorial. Tutorials Well, that's pretty much it. If something blatantly isn't right, give me a buzz, and I'll fix it up. |
Thanks man for this tutorial, it help me a lot, i need some help configuring my samp server in a centos 6 vps, i've done just like the tutorial, server start, it's runing i send "ps" and its been runing but i can't see the server in samp client, keep retrieving info and nothing else happen, please if you can giveme some help, sorry my bad english i am braziliam
17.01.2014, 17:49
how to change the gamemode ?
14.03.2014, 04:46
10.07.2014, 08:01
Thanks for the feedback guys, it's appreciated
![]() Well, you could phone up your ISP and ask politely for a static IP. Alternatively, you could find a way to stop your modem from rebooting/disconnecting/turning off, which might prolong your IP lease. |
I am using nohup ./samp03svr (and nohup ./samp03svr &) it gives me this
nohup: ignoring input and appending output to ‘nohup.out’
Any help is AWESOMELY appreciated!
10.07.2014, 15:47
Can you please help me with my error?
I am using nohup ./samp03svr (and nohup ./samp03svr &) it gives me this Code:
nohup: ignoring input and appending output to ‘nohup.out’ Any help is AWESOMELY appreciated! |
10.07.2014, 18:16
10.07.2014, 18:31
20.01.2015, 08:40
Nano command not found -_-
20.01.2015, 08:56
20.01.2015, 08:59
24.01.2015, 04:22
19.08.2015, 18:18
apper to me this http://prntscr.com/86j3of.
20.08.2015, 00:32
Hi , could anyone help me fixing this problem please ? And thanks
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