11.06.2014, 13:59
Последний раз редактировалось RenovanZ; 24.06.2014 в 11:01.
Group Chat System by RenovanZ
Create your own Room
Hey!Create your own Room
Hey all, I want to release one of my work. Check it out!
What is this filterscript?
This filterscript can create Group Chat dynamicly In-Game!
Check the SS/Pictures for the details.
How its work?
1.Download the filterscript.
2.Dont forget to download ZCMD (Credits to Zeex), sscanf2 & y_ini (Credits to ******), and put it in pawno => include.
3.Open the script and compile it.
4.Open server.cfg and write "chatgroup" besides on the "filterscripts"
5.Open scriptfiles folder and create new directory called "Group Chat"
6.Run the server!
/gc & /gcmenu [create/delete/join/leave/stats/invite/kick/setname/setpass/setleader]
- /gc : to chat in your current Group Chat.
- /gcmenu create : to create Group Chat. (RCON Admin Only)
- /gcmenu delete : to delete Group Chat. (RCON Admin Only)
- /gcmenu join : to join existing Group Chat.
- /gcmenu leave : to leave current Group Chat.
- /gcmenu stats : to see all existing Group Chat.
- /gcmenu invite : to invite someone in your Group Chat. (Group Leader/RCON Admin Only)
- /gcmenu acceptinvite : to accept someone invitation to his Group Chat.
- /gcmenu kick : to kick someone in your Group Chat. (Group Leader/RCON Admin Only)
- /gcmenu setname : to set name of Group Chat. (RCON Admin Only)
- /gcmenu setpass : to set pass of Group Chat. (RCON Admin Only)
- /gcmenu setleader : to set leader of Group Chat. (RCON Admin Only)
Let the Images explained

- Released the Filterscript
- Added '/gcmenu acceptinvite' to accept Group Chat invitation (Which I missed in the last version, my bad xD)
Credits to:
Me (RenovanZ/Renovan)
****** for his sscanf2/y_ini
Zeex for his ZCMD
Known Bugs
Bugs: None
If you find any new bug(s), please contact me via PM or Reply here

Sendspace (v 1.0 FIXED)
Sendspace (v 1.1)
I'll add more soon

I would thanks to all who read and download this filterscript

And I very very very thanks to who not remove the credits