Health Not Decreasing ?

I dont know wat happened suddenly To my server No Ones Health Decresing on shooting Explosion ETC Can some one tell me what is goin Wrong ?

Try exploding the vehicle if someone is in it. If someone dies - maybe, in the script you got a god-mode function. Also, show us your code...

Thanks to help But idk It is working now ?? I also Dont know how this happened Lol Sorry

Check onplayergivedamage or onplayertakedamage, if you got any of it post it on the forums so we can see it.


Its not working again -_-

Are you using 'SetPlayerTeam' anywhere in your script?

Yes Many Times

If a player's team is the same, they will not take damage from that other player.

Player A = Team 1
Player B = Team 2
Player C = Team 1

Player A cannot harm Player C, but can attack Player B.
Player B can attack both Player A and Player C.
Player C cannot harm Player A, but can attack Player B.

Originally Posted by SA-MP Wiki
Players can not damage/kill players on the same team unless they use a knife to slit their throat. As of SA-MP 0.3x, players are also unable to damage vehicles driven by a player from the same team. This can be enabled with EnableVehicleFriendlyFire.
Originally Posted by SA-MP Wiki
255 (or NO_TEAM) is the default team to be able to shoot other players, not 0.
References: SetPlayerTeam

Wow Thanks but how do i fix this ?

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