30.05.2014, 14:53
Last edited by JonathanW; 31/05/2014 at 07:59 AM.
- Saving Many Variables
-- Administrator (Is Admin or Not)
-- Admin Level (Player's Admin level)
-- Admin Duty (Is on Admin Duty or Not)
-- Skin (Self Explanatory)
-- Health
-- Armour
-- Money
-- Muted (When an admin /mute(s) a player)
-- Freezed (When an admin /freeze(s) a player)
-- Jailed (When an admin /jail(s) a player)
-- Position (X,Y,Z,Angle)
-- Kills (NEW)
-- Deaths (NEW)
/a(nnounce) [text] - Simple Admin Announce /kick [playerid] [reason] - A Kick System /ban [playerid] [reason] - A Ban System /get [playerid] - Teleports a Player to 'Your' Position /goto [playerid] - Teleports 'You' to a player's position /mute [playerid] - Mutes a person (He is not able to speak then) /unmute [playerid] - Same /freeze [playerid] - Freezes a Person (He is not able to Move then) /unfreeze [playerid] - Same /jail [playerid] - Jails a person (Puts him in a Self Mapped Cell) /unjail [playerid] - Teleports him back /givemoney [playerid] [amount] - Give someone money with a specific amount /setmoney [playerid] [amount] - 'Sets' someone's Cash to the Specified Value /setskin [playerid] [SkinID] - Set someone's skin to the Specified Model ID. /givegun [playerid] [weaponid] [ammo] - Give someone a Weapon,..a Specific Weapon with desired Ammo. /repair - Simple as hell,fixes your vehicle which you're sitting in.(But believe me,Some non RP servers do use this xD) /aduty - Changes your Admin Duty Status,and sends a Message to everyone. /sethealth [playerid] [health] - Set someone's health /setarmour [playerid] [armour] - Set someone's Armour /kickall [reason] - Kicks everybody online (NEW) /banall [reason] - Bans everybody online (NEW) /createpickup [ID] [Type] - Creates a Pickup at your Position (NEW) /createlabel [Text] [Color] - Creates a 3D Text Label at your Position (NEW) /setscore [playerid] [score] - Sets a Player's Level (NEW) /setinterior [playerid] [Interior] - Sets a Player's Interior. (NEW) /setvw [playerid] [Virtual World] - Sets a Player's Virtual World (NEW) /setname [playerid] [name] - Set someone's name (NEW) // Panel System /panel - Shows you a Server Panel /servername - Changes the Server's name /servermap - Changes the Map? /server time - Changes the Time. /closepanel - Closes
Used /ahelp here
Tried /goto and /get
Tried /setskin
I Jailed myself (/jail)
Tried /givegun
Server Panel
Created a Pickup and a Label
SAMP - For Samp? (And for the addiction xD)
iPleomax - Used his Textdraw Editor
How to Install?
- Use the Pawn File from the Download Link,provided below.
- Create a Folder "Users" in scriptfiles.
- Add the filterscript in 'server.cfg'.
- Login as RCON ADMIN.
- Use /setadmin to set yourself an Administrator.
- Use /ahelp for everything after that.
Pastebin (Version 1)
Pastebin (Version 2)
Pastebin (Version 3)