[GameMode] Unleashed Stunt Freeroam - Stunt/Freeroam/DM/Fun - MySQL

Unleashed Stunt Freeroam
Developed By: SyntaxQ & biker122
For v1.2 info, go HERE
For version 2 [mysq] info, go HERE
» Introduction
A stunt/freeroam gamemode with 5 DM arenas. The gamemode is scripted in MySQL saving system and contains custom admin system/commands with 4 levels. The gamemode comes with a powerful ban system, register system and loads of ingame features! I started this gamemode and scripted it till version 1.2, mostly the base. Currently, I don't have time to continue this, so biker122 will be scripting for the gamemode. He has scripted the version 2 which contains new features, bug fixes and entirely new MySQL saving (previous Y_INI [v1-1.2]). The vehicle system is not completely scripted by us and most of the maps are put from Jese's Stunt Map Pack. Check out the gamemode now!

Player Commands:
pawn Code:
// Regular Player (Level 0)
/pm /skin /vehicle (/v) /afk /back /afklist /goto /allowgoto
/disallowgoto /parachute (/para) /god /cd /helpmeup /antifall /bounce /nitro /multiplier
/autofix /settings /weaponset /color /spos (/s) /lpos (/l) /drinkbeer /drinkwine
/drunklevel /dive /helmet /me /report /admins /premiums /kill /leave /radio /stats

Total Commands: 36

// Shortcuts
NUMPAD4 - To flip your vehicle
LMB - Speedboost or nitro
H - Bounce or jump
Donator/Premium Commands:
pawn Code:
/healme /jetpack /psay /pgametext /mytime /myweather /enablepms /disablepms
/changename /alternatename

Total Commands: 10
Administrator Commands:
pawn Code:
// Moderator (Level 1)
/ban /slap /kick /warn /mute /unmute /jail /unjail /mutelist /announce /spec
/specoff /asay /ip

// Administrator (Level 2)
/tempban /unban /clearchat /cweapons /worldtime /gotoxyz /lastlog (+All level 1 commands)

// Head Administrator (Level 3)
/setlevel /setvip /removevip /setexp /resetgod (+All level 1 & 2 commands)
(Head admins cannot set anyone server owner)

// Server Owner (Level 4)
/setlevelviarcon /kickall /toglostaccmsg /saveallstats  /togstuntbonus (+All level 1, 2 & 3 commands)

Total Commands: 31
The gamemode has lots of great features! I can't describe them all here! You can look below to the screens or download and check out the gamemode in game!

» Screenshots

(I'm bad at making textdraws..)

The website and 'USF' textdraws change color after every 2 seconds, red to blue and vice-versa.

» Download

NOTE: Check attachments for gamemode files.
If you need planes, vehicles.txt files go: HERE
If you need SQL file for version 2, go: HERE

Please report any bugs or problems on this thread.

simple + good to use as a base for a freeroam GM.


Nice gamemode i will try it

o.o it have the same I want but Good job

Nice gamemode, good job!

This i need to say it Amazing!

Amazing job

great work!


C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1047) : error 017: undefined symbol "UserBanPath"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1049) : error 017: undefined symbol "UserBanPath"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1063) : error 017: undefined symbol "UserBanPath"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1071) : error 017: undefined symbol "UserPath"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1074) : error 017: undefined symbol "UserPath"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1128) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveStats"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1136) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1149) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1199) : error 017: undefined symbol "SpawnProtection"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1225) : error 017: undefined symbol "RespawninDM"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1254) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1314) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1346) : error 017: undefined symbol "stringContainsIP"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1348) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1361) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1388) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1389) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1390) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1391) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1392) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1396) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1568) : error 017: undefined symbol "TD_MSG"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1647) : error 017: undefined symbol "TD_MSG"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1658) : error 017: undefined symbol "TD_MSG"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1676) : error 017: undefined symbol "TD_MSG"

C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Fixed some

Nice !!

Originally Posted by Kinglee
View Post
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetName"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Kimo Computer\Desktop\(0.3z) USF - Server Pack\gamemodes\usfMain.pwn(1017) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Fixed some
stock GetName(playerid)

    GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    return pName;

By the way, GREAT Job!

Originally Posted by Maro06
View Post
stock GetName(playerid)

    GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    return pName;

By the way, GREAT Job!
Put it where?

The default message: "Unknown command" can be changed. And,
I'm suggesting this to you from ages, put
under OnGameModeInit()...
Just a suggestion. Good job, anyways..

Originally Posted by Kinglee
View Post
Put it where?
At the bottom of the gamemode.

Don't forget to +REP If it worked

Syntax, The TimestampToDate Include is missing, anyways for those who can't find it, Here it is!

sadly didnt work

nvm I will start again editing it

Syntax I always loved your every single release

Good work buddy

Pretty nice Gamemode!

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