What have a done wrong ? Pen script ! House !

So... i just copied a line with a house from property.cfg and added downwards still on property.cfg ! I replaced the first 3 coordonates with my coordonates so :
pawn Код:
This is the actual house : -2514.503906,830.932861,49.995613,2464.100097,-1698.599975,1013.500000,0,0,0,0,0,0,GOD,3 Room Bungalow,150000,0,0,2,1,0,1,2000,0,40,516,-1,-1,364,5,5
And this is the copyed and replaced house :
pawn Код:
1242.7012,-1099.2864,27.9766,-42.400001,1408.199951,1084.400024,0,0,0,0,0,0,GOD,3 Room Bungalow,150000,0,0,8,1,0,1,1,1,17,516,-1,-1,45,5,4
And this is my coordonates with the /save command :
AddPlayerClass(264,1242.7012,-1099.2864,27.9766,92.7475,0,0,0,0,0,0); (i took the first 3 coordonates and replaced look on those 2 houses )

OK ... Now i save the property.cfg and went into the gamemode and replaced this line !
pawn Код:
Non-replaced line : new HouseInfo[150][hInfo];
pawn Код:
Replaced line : new HouseInfo[151][hInfo];
I didnt add any house car cause idk how !
So here are my problems :
1: The house doesnt appear on the game ! when i go to it its empty space no icon
2: What coordonates must i put on interior ? cause idk what coordonates i must put ... where to take them ?!

Help me if you can please !


Btw if i dont replace the line with :
pawn Код:
new HouseCarSpawns[150][hcInfo]; (from 150 to 151)
When i enter the game it spawns in my house but appears the messange : tipe /exit to exit the rental car costs 1000$ and that message dissappear but ... if i exit the house all houses / house cars are gone ! no house in the game or house car

You can find the intrior at wiki

Lol dont spam help me if you can ! FFS ! not the interior i need i need the coordonates of the interior ! ... if you know help me if you dont shut up !

Some help please ?!

Can anyone give me some help please ?!?!?!

Don't tripple post, and make sure you turn your server off, then edit propertys.cfg, and then start it up again.
AND put the amount of housecars +1

I did that but no work ... anything else?

Ask in Public Enemy No:1 topic.

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