Help with testing and coding...

This is probably a bit much to ask but I would basically like a partner for coding and testing of my scripts. Most of the things need two people to test and I'm not the best scripter so I want someone who can help me with both of those things. Having a person with more knowledge of the code would really help me learn it quicker too.

I think I have a server (I have a database, anyway) so if you can help me figure out how to use it I'd be able to host servers. If not, we'd have to sort something else out so if you have a static IP, that'd help for the time being.


Just rent a server.

Originally Posted by joeri55
Just rent a server.
That's not really what I was asking... And I have no Ј whatsoever.

I was asking for a person to assist with testing and coding of my GM's n stuff. The server thing is just really a sidenote.

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