Makeadmin command - command unknown.

Uh, before I start, I just wanted to say thanks for putting some of your time away to read this.

Alright, so, I am using ZCMD and sscanf, as you'll be able to see in a second.
I have the following command which I made by myself, of course..

Now, the thing is, it.. I'll just show you.

pawn Код:
CMD:makeadmin(playerid, params[])
    new target, adminlevel, msg1[256], p;
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) && PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] < 6) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Error: You are not authorized to use this command.");
    if(sscanf(params, "ui", target, adminlevel))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_USAGE, "USAGE: {ABABAB}/makeadmin [playername/id] [adminlevel]");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_USAGE, "Available levels: {ABABAB}1 - Trial Admin, 2 - Basic Admin, 3 - Senior Admin.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_USAGE, "Available levels: {ABABAB}4 - Lead Admin 5 - Head Admin, 6 - Co-owner, 7 - Owner.");
        return 1;
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(target)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Error: The selected player was not found, try again.");
    if(adminlevel < 0 || adminlevel > 7) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Error: Available admin levels are between 0 and 7.");
    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] == adminlevel) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Error: The selected player is already an admin of that level.");
    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] > PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Error: The selected player is out of your limits.");
    GetPlayerName(target, tName, sizeof(tName));
    format(ppFile[target], sizeof(ppFile), "Accounts/%s.ini", tName);
    dini_IntSet(ppFile[target], "AdminLevel", adminlevel);
    PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] = adminlevel;
    RPName(tName, '_');
    RPName(pName, '_');

    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] == 0)
        format(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "[ADMIN]{FC4800} %s is no longer an admin on the server.",pName, tName);

    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] == 1)
        format(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "[ADMIN]{FC4800} %s has made %s a Trial Admin.",pName, tName);

    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] == 2)
        format(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "[ADMIN]{FC4800} %s has made %s a Basic Admin.",pName, tName);

    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] == 3)
        format(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "[ADMIN]{FC4800} %s has made %s a Senior Admin.",pName, tName);

    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] == 4)
        format(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "[ADMIN]{FC4800} %s has made %s a Lead Admin.",pName, tName);

    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] == 5)
        format(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "[ADMIN]{FC4800} %s has made %s a Head Admin.",pName, tName);

    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] == 6)
        format(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "[ADMIN]{FC4800} %s has made %s a Co-owner.",pName, tName);

    if(PlayerInfo[target][AdminLevel] == 7)
        format(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "[ADMIN]{FC4800} %s has made %s a Owner.",pName, tName);

    SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ADMIN, msg1);

    return 1;
At the last line, there's "SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ADMIN, msg1);"

At first I wanted to send the message only to admins, so I used:
pawn Код:
new p;
for(p = 0; p < MAX_PLAYERS; p++)
    if(PlayerInfo[p][AdminLevel] > 0 && IsPlayerConnected(p)) SendClientMessage(p, COLOR_ADMIN, msg1);

But it kept showing "Unknown command" after sending the message, which I didn't understand, I still don't.

So that's why I made this thread, anyone got an idea as to why it keeps sending "Unknown command" when I add the for loop? (I tried making a block with the for loop, same problem.. unknown command)
And a way to solve it would be nice.

Thank you in advance.

Btw, I didn't repeat the new p;

Is the size of PlayerInfo array MAX_PLAYERS? If not and it's lower than its value, it will cause run time error 4 and it will display the unknown command message.

Add crash detect plugin and see it should show you an error if something wrong. Can you confirm, that array 'PlayerInfo' has 'MAX_PLAYERS' cells?

Edit: too late, sorry

It needs to return 1;
All commands made with ZCMD needs to return something at all times.

Fixed, thank you all for your time.

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