Can someone "create" me a perfect gta_sa.set?

hi! i want a perfect gta_sa.set, also just graphics settings for 1600x900 screen resolution.
i am just getting bad graphics also the draw distance is on max but it loads slow
have a powercolor radeon hd7870.

Can't you do it yourself? Put the sliders to the minimum then keep increasing to the point it becomes running slow

Originally Posted by Dodo9655
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Can't you do it yourself? Put the sliders to the minimum then keep increasing to the point it becomes running slow
what do you mean?

Nobody can give you a perfect gta_sa.set. You need to do this yourself because they can have binds changes etc, everyone is different.

Also the draw distance can lag for number of reasons if you're on SA-MP and not single player. It could be the server and the streaming for all you know..

I am not sure what you mean by bad graphics that gta_sa can help in this case because the only thing gta_sa can change is your settings between visual fx settings from low to very high and your screen resolution to 32. these all are things you can do yourself.

There are so extremely few options you can set. Testing every single possible configuration wouldnt take longer than 10 minutes. But you expect someone to magically find the perfect configuration for you? How the hell should that work?

If the game isnt running well, lower the settings and dont set them to the max.
If its still not running well, lower them again, and repeat that step until the game is running good enough for you.

How can one be that extremely lazy?

I run in Linux at 1280x768-32 so you wouldn't want my settings. Have fun!

I would've helped u with it but mines linux, :L

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