25.04.2014, 17:01
Last edited by therainycat; 29/05/2014 at 10:24 AM.
I'm making different tools for more convenient development.
These tools were written in a hurry on PHP and Javascript, and placed on my local site, separately.
I often lose them, and sometimes accidentally delete them with other files.
So I decided to put them all in one place.
Here: http://dev.prineside.com
On this subdomain you can now find a San Andreas map zone editor (currently in development), and there will be more similar tools (for next I plan to make an accurate textdraw editor).
Available tools
So, here are sources: http://prineside.com/public/dev.prineside.rar
If you want, you can place this on your local host and use it / edit as you like.
Also, I didn't say, that I'll not work on it - I will, but later. It would be great, if someone write some modules till that time.
P.S. Sorry for my bad English. I wrote here, because hate russian section of this forum (and there is no ukrainian section
I'm making different tools for more convenient development.
These tools were written in a hurry on PHP and Javascript, and placed on my local site, separately.
I often lose them, and sometimes accidentally delete them with other files.
So I decided to put them all in one place.
Here: http://dev.prineside.com
On this subdomain you can now find a San Andreas map zone editor (currently in development), and there will be more similar tools (for next I plan to make an accurate textdraw editor).
Available tools
SA-MP Map zones editorUPD: Unfortunately, I have no time for this.
(click to see a bigger image)
Simple zones editor.
You can place rectangles on map, and then export into file (for example, to use as gang zones).
At the moment, it can export zone positions into plain text, but there will be more export parameters.
Also, I need your opinion - whether to add the ability to export into image (same as map image, but with colored rectangles).
- Zoom (default scrollbars?...)
- Transparency mode; add transparency parameter for zone
- Import function
So, here are sources: http://prineside.com/public/dev.prineside.rar
If you want, you can place this on your local host and use it / edit as you like.
Also, I didn't say, that I'll not work on it - I will, but later. It would be great, if someone write some modules till that time.
P.S. Sorry for my bad English. I wrote here, because hate russian section of this forum (and there is no ukrainian section