[GameMode] [Gamemode][DISCONTINUED] Grand Theft Online (freeroam, level, xp, races, gangs)

Originally Posted by d.wine
Originally Posted by froggz19
Mr. Iain.Gilbert,i need to know how i can disable anticheat?Or only Teleport anticheat!

Edit config file.
Aha.Tnx d.wine

Originally Posted by Nitroglycerine
Originally Posted by CAHR

When you back think about this:
Gang leader may set spawn point for his gang. In this area must work antispawnkill.

http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=9437.0 - very useful thing
That link is for interior scanning. In this version it is not possible to use weapons inside (when the players interior ID differs from 0).
Not every interior has exits, only shops and restaurants have them. So if you would set the spawnpoint of that player indoors at a non-exit location, you need to make an exit yourself.
No, no, no ))
I don't mean spawn point inside buildings )))
This link not apply to my request...
This is only useful link and not other...

Originally Posted by Dox
Originally Posted by Dox
k i asume this should work right??

Source Vehicles.inc :

// Vehicle Spawns

enum VehicleSpawnInfo {
vspawn_model, // Model
Float:vspawn_x, // X
Float:vspawn_y, // Y
Float:vspawn_z, // Z
Float:vspawn_heading, // Heading
vspawn_colour1, // Colour1
vspawn_colour2 // Colour2


// these vehicles will be spawned first, so if you wish to reserve a vehicle model, add it here
new VehicleModelSpawns[][VehicleSpawnInfo] = {

//Spawns i added myself:

{V_LEVIATHN,1476.0011,-1351.1161,163.8301,191.0537,0,0}, //
{V_COACH,1477.7936,-2633.1599,13.6282,260.2918,0,0}, //
{V_DODO,1662.4036,-2620.7449,13.6257,358.7275,0,0}, //
{V_BEAGLE,1477.1959,1219.4717,12.1963,358.7428,12, 60}, //
{V_BEAGLE,1284.2153,1361.2828,12.1962,271.9384,12, 60}, //
{V_STUNT,1302.0746,1396.9220,11.3716,251.5249,30,3 4}, //
{V_MAVERICK,1301.1882,1419.4858,11.3660,282.0712,3 0,34}, //
{V_SHAMAL,1564.3823,1500.7504,11.7558,111.2009,1,1 }, //
{V_SHAMAL,1571.5393,1390.3298,11.7691,245.1949,1,1 }, //
{V_HYDRA,344.4165,2541.4910,17.7261,186.8996,0,0}, //
{V_HYDRA,360.7857,2541.2676,17.6591,184.6016,0,0}, //
{V_MAVERICK,377.7525,2535.3374,16.7440,174.2046,26 ,3}, //
{V_RUSTLER,326.2576,2537.5593,17.5202,184.1489,77, 87}, //
{V_RUSTLER,290.6565,2538.6885,17.5204,182.1987,77, 87}, //

//Standart Spawns in Vehicles.inc:

{V_BUFFALO,1586.4277,33.1434,23.0000,274.2331,-1,-1}, // race riversiderun car
{V_PCJ600,1587.8152,25.9319,22.7000,270.2577,-1,-1}, // race riversiderun car
{V_SABRE,1514.2000,11.2897,23.8677,283.6043,-1,-1}, // race riversiderun car
{V_BANSHEE,1544.4312,14.6398,23.8626,283.2028,-1,-1}, // race riversiderun car
{V_BUFFALO,1543.9025,18.2665,23.8678,278.0022,-1,-1}, // race riversiderun car
{V_YOSEMITE,1423.4043,222.6558,19.2835,334.9312,-1,-1}, // town9
{V_MONSTER,1446.4843,369.7041,18.6943,72.6925,-1,-1}, // monster

But it doesnt work whatever i change nothing happens keeps doing the same spawnings like the AT400(the boeing)
deletedevery entry to the AT400 but it keeps spawning it at LS Airport wtf i dont get it some1 help plz....
i got the Coordinates from the /save command so they are correct.(i asume)
can any1 answer this plz im despert am i getting crazy or is this just wrong
Still need help with this Iain.Gilbert help me plz

Originally Posted by Arwas
im using windows but i need to know how to install it
You are giving us a hard time to help you, please give some more information.

Did you folowed the wiki? https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Windows_Server
At which point are you stuck? Is it running with one of the standard gamemodes? Is it a GTO problem.

Give us a step by step, what you are doing/have done to produce the error and we are happy to help you.

Hey j1nx

I really have to say, that you do awesome work with continueing the GTO-Script, there are some little bugs here and there, but it's simply the best script for SAMP, and i hope it gets even better with SAMP 0.2 (i hope you will find time for it when samp 0.2 comes out) Keep going!

Originally Posted by Copykill
Hey j1nx

I really have to say, that you do awesome work with continueing the GTO-Script, there are some little bugs here and there, but it's simply the best script for SAMP, and i hope it gets even better with SAMP 0.2 (i hope you will find time for it when samp 0.2 comes out) Keep going!
Please put down the bugs you can find in this thread, so i can try to plan them in my development list. I'm not a high skilled coder (yet), but i do my best at the times i can find to do it.

After the housing thing, i wanted to start the debugging (mainly anti-cheat) and solve all other strange things.

I have not tested the 0.5.9 for long on your server, so i can't tell you what bugs still remain, i'm not even sure if i know all

edit: i wish i could code, or just finding the bugs in the script, so others can fix it..

It's still crashing every time I run it ffs.

I have windows version. I have the scriptfiles>GTO>all other folders set up. I have no idea why it's fucking doing it.

Try copying the whole scriptfiles directory that comes with the download into your server folder.

Originally Posted by Pixels^
Try copying the whole scriptfiles directory that comes with the download into your server folder.
...yeah, I did that.

what does it say when the server crashes?
check the server_log.txt

Originally Posted by Pixels^
what does it say when the server crashes?
check the server_log.txt
Blank :/

I just boot it up and it crashes. I'm using straight .amx even.

is it a "non responsive" windows error message?

Can someone give me the latest version. All links are broken.

There for you all peoples the new one, from russian site: http://www.megaupload.com/fr/?d=FZ7F11LW GTO 5.9.5

any hope that someone can give us an english version?

o_O, after 0.5.9beta2 goes immediately 5.9.5
oO, после 0.5.9beta2 идет сразу 5.9.5


Don't listen them. It's not official release!

Nice man :P

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