08.04.2014, 06:07
Last edited by Erwin.; 11/12/2018 at 10:52 AM.

By Erwin.
Good day everyone! So here's my another new map, which i've finished yesterday. Started working on it since last week, can't remember the exact day, but it took me not that much time to complete it. It was like faster then i thought. Anyway. This map is not that big, which means it doesn't have that much objects like my previous maps, which had over 1000+ obj's at one place. How you see, it's another mapped building, with an custom interior and exterior, from inside and outside. Bassicaly, it has 24/7 shop on the first floor,a cafe/restaurant and on the second floor, bar. So yeah, the building has 2 floors. It's located in Tierra Robada, near the desert. I've choose this place, because there was a cluckin bell, which i wanted to replace with something more cooler. And here it is. The map overall has 488 objects at one place.
Teleport Coordinates:
SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1216.0189,1808.4531,41.5554);
NOTE: You will need to disable the entrance, which will be seen inside of the building. Before there was the Cluckin' bell, so the yellow arrow of entrance may appear. Just go into your script and put "DisableInteriorEnterExits()" under the OnGameModeInit.
Cheers all! Thank you for paying attention to my post and enjoy the map! Ofcourse feedback's are always welcome! So please comment & rate. Because i worked really hard on this. If you ever think of using this map, please kindly leave a credit.