30.03.2014, 14:25
Последний раз редактировалось BroZeus; 02.08.2017 в 15:11.
Причина: New Version :)
Temporary Ban System V 3.1
Now with many new features 
-Now you can ban all players for as much time as you want.
-Players can also be banned according to hours and minutes.
-IP of player is also banned when a player is banned preventing Multi-acconting.
-Ban expiring time accurate to every milli-second
-Now with a Un-Ban log feature which shows the players that were un-banned and by whom( this feature is also accessible through in game)
-Works with different GMT Hour and minute also.(See Settings down for it)
-Works accurate in leap year and in change of year and with every month.
-Ingame ban viewing system using dialog boxes and for easiness we can unban via dialog boxes too. (NEW!!)
-Automatic creation of of files named as unban_log.txt and BannedPlayers.txt which stores info about the loggings. (NEW!!)
Starting with it-
-You need TimeStampToDate.inc to use it which can be found here.
-You also need fixes.inc which can be found here
-Create folder named as "Bans" and "IP" in scriptfiles folder. [As simple as that

Commands and its usage--
/ban id duration[in days] Reason
/banm id hours minutes reason Added in v 3.0
/log Added in v 3.0 (This shows unban log in a dialog box)
/banperm id Reason
/removeban playername [NOTE You need exact name of the player to remove its ban]
/showbans [Added in v 3.1][Shows currently banned players]
/showbaninfo playername [Added in v 3.1][Show the ban info of a specific player specified. You need exact name of player in this case]
An alternative way to remove ban is remove player ini file directly from Bans folder.
pawn Код:
#define GMT_H 0 // Enter the value of the gmt hour u want otherwise kee it zero
#define GMT_M 0 // Enter the value of the gmt mintues u want otherwise kee it zero
This Filter script can be downloaded here[V 3.1] -- https://pastebin.com/n66Hbg7D
Zeus [ thats me] -- For scripting
YSI -- For sscanf2 and YSI/ini
Zeex -- For Zcmd
Jochemd -- For TimeStampToDate.inc
Shacky -- For fcreate and fdeleteline stocks.
And all those who contributed to fixes.inc
Change Log--
-Added new commands /showbans and /showbaninfo
-using /showbans players that are currently banned are shown and by double clicking on player's name his ban details can be viewed and in dialog box conataning the ban detail has button "Remove Ban" from which we can un-ban players via dialog box.
-/showbaninfo does the same as /showbans but it shows the detail of a specified player with name skipping the dialog box containing currently banned players name.
-Fixed some bug with /log command.
-"unban_log.txt" and "BannedPlayers.txt" files contaning logging info are automatically created if they doesn't exist
If any bug found or have a suggestion then please post it here