[Help Please] OnPlayerPickupPickup acts weird

Hi. I was working on a Robbery filterscript. I made it like this: An admin puts it on, and then players can use /robber or /defender. If you are a robber, you need to pickup a briefcase at the Bank of SF. So you go there, pick it up, and then you'll get a message that you need to deliver it back to your spawn. But, if I pickup that spawnpickup, it executes the code of the moneypickup. So, please help.





"AddStaticPickup - Doesn't return an id"

"CreatePickup - Pickup ids are often different for different players. I presume it is a problem with keeping track of them and assigning ids for players. This affects OnPlayerPickUpPickup and DestroyPickup as they will be used with different pickups for players. "

my advice is you use playertopoint, as the player stands on the suitcase pickup it destroys it and by using the playertopoint on a timer or onplayerupdate you can know if the player picked it....

first of all, thanks for the reply. I'm going to test that right away. If now just made Pickups. And commands like /steal and stashmoney with PlayerToPoint. Thank you very much for that help.

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