17.03.2014, 17:57
I want to present you my newest include. So this is a notepad.IG you can save things (notes) and read them later
In include you can find some examples of usage, my CMD-s and some dialogs.
Native Functions:
Examples of usage in include
/obrisibeleske //delete users notes
/otvoribelesku //read your notes
/kreirajbelesku (+choose slot dialog) //make notes (8 slots)
Notes Save is based on slots. You choose slot in dialog and the system saves it in your .ini file.
I'll make the update very soon!
-create notes: http://prntscr.com/31g3rg
-read notes: http://prntscr.com/31g45m
-Look in .ini file: http://prntscr.com/31g4ff
With EXAMPLES (cmds and dialogs): http://www.solidfiles.com/d/681ea909..._primerima.zip
Only funcktions and callbacks: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/6d6f2536...ez_primera.zip
Install instruction on this link (translated): http://pastebin.com/2PQyV3RZ
I hope you'll like it
I want to present you my newest include. So this is a notepad.IG you can save things (notes) and read them later
In include you can find some examples of usage, my CMD-s and some dialogs.
Native Functions:
//for making the notepad KreirajBeleznicu(playerid); //opening the notepad OtvoriBeleznicu(playerid); //Delete user notes ObrisiBeleznicu(playerid);
//loading datas UcitajBeleske_data(playerid,name[],value[]) //include starting OtvaramoBeleske()
/obrisibeleske //delete users notes
/otvoribelesku //read your notes
/kreirajbelesku (+choose slot dialog) //make notes (8 slots)
Notes Save is based on slots. You choose slot in dialog and the system saves it in your .ini file.
I'll make the update very soon!
-create notes: http://prntscr.com/31g3rg
-read notes: http://prntscr.com/31g45m
-Look in .ini file: http://prntscr.com/31g4ff
With EXAMPLES (cmds and dialogs): http://www.solidfiles.com/d/681ea909..._primerima.zip
Only funcktions and callbacks: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/6d6f2536...ez_primera.zip
Install instruction on this link (translated): http://pastebin.com/2PQyV3RZ
I hope you'll like it