18.03.2014, 07:24
Последний раз редактировалось VenomMancer; 21.08.2014 в 11:03.

Hello guys i was released my works, Police Siren system!
I make this , just on 30 minutes

I was tested this, if have bug tell me

IMage :
- Can use on : Infernus, Jester, Elegy, Stratum, etc..

Includes :
- <a_samp> by : SA-MP Team
- <zcmd> by : Zeex
How to use :
I know , you can use this easy!

*IMPORTANT : Siren can use if the world time on night!
- SA-MP Forums for the help and all the Include Makers!
- all people to help me for make this FS. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=478582)
- Me (Angga Lombongkaehe A.K.A VenomMancer) for create this!
Downdload :

Pm me if you need question