10.03.2014, 20:43
Hello guys, I occurred a problem that when I /enter an interior and than exiting it makes the world disappear and few objects are there only, and those are only the objects I edited.
What could be the problem? Here is the /enter /exit command for the building that makes this happen.
Here is the /exit command:
Here is a picture:
What could be the problem? Here is the /enter /exit command for the building that makes this happen.
CMD:enter(playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3.0,-207.2261,1077.2693,20.5992)) //City Hall { SetPlayerInterior(playerid,10); SetPlayerPos(playerid,246.3760,109.2460,1003.2188); } return 1; }
CMD:exit(playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3.0,246.3760,109.2460,1003.2188)) //City Hall { SetPlayerPos(playerid,-207.2261,1077.2693,20.5992); } return 1; }