[Plugin] [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!)

Originally Posted by KevinPRINCE
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I said they are the same cause cause of this
[09:48:10]   Failed (libmysqlclient_r.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[09:48:10]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:48:10]   Loaded.
[09:48:10]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[09:48:10]  ===============================

[09:48:10]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[09:48:10]          Version:  2.8.1        

[09:48:10]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[09:48:10]  ===============================

[09:48:10]   Loaded.
[09:48:10]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so
[09:48:10]  ==================
[09:48:10]   Whirlpool loaded
[09:48:10]  ==================
[09:48:10]   Loaded.
[09:48:10]  Loading plugin: nativechecker.so
[09:48:10]   Loaded.
[09:48:10]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[09:48:10] Filterscripts
[09:48:10] ---------------
[09:48:10]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_data'
[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_field_content'
[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_function_query'
[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_debug'
[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect'
[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_ping'
[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_close'
[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_real_escape_string'
[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row'
[09:48:10]    Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_affected_rows'
Anyways I will try the static, will contact you if it doesn't work.
You don't have a_mysql.inc in your pawno includes ...

Originally Posted by WopsS
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You don't have a_mysql.inc in your pawno includes ...
That's not the reason. The plugin failed to load and the script is compiled with R7 version.

pawn Код:
Failed (libmysqlclient_r.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
It's been an issue for many users, use ****** and you may find a solution for it.

@WopsS Oh please, this isn't even a compiling debug error
@Luffy Thanks bruh, but I got it working, wasn't using the right plugin.

Hey guys, i faced with another problem. Player information is not updating after player disconnect, please help me.


// New's

enum pInfo
    bool: Admin,
    bool: VIP,
    Float: PosX,
    Float: PosY,
    Float: PosZ,
    Float: PosA,

enum Settings

enum Papildomi

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    papildoma = Papildoma[playerid][ORM_ID] = orm_create("papildoma");
    settings = PlayerSettings[playerid][ORM_ID] = orm_create("nustatymai");
    playerdata = PlayerInfo[playerid][ORM_ID] = orm_create("playerdata");

    PlayerInfo[playerid][RegDate] = GetPlayerDate();
    PlayerInfo[playerid][IP] = GetIp(playerid);
    PlayerInfo[playerid][PaskutinisIP] = GetIp(playerid);
    GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerSettings[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    GetPlayerName(playerid, Papildoma[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    // Krovimas - Ћaidėjo Informacija
    orm_addvar_int(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][ID], "id");
    orm_addvar_string(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1, "user");
    orm_addvar_string(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][Password], 101, "password");
    orm_addvar_int(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][Kalba], "kalba");
    orm_addvar_int(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore], "score");
    orm_addvar_int(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney], "money");
    orm_addvar_int(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][pSkin], "skin");
    orm_addvar_float(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][PosX], "posx");
    orm_addvar_float(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][PosY], "posy");
    orm_addvar_float(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][PosZ], "posz");
    orm_addvar_float(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][PosA], "posa");
    orm_addvar_int(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][Registracija], "reg");
    orm_addvar_string(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][IP], 24, "IP");
    orm_addvar_string(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][RegDate], 75, "regdate");
    orm_addvar_string(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][Data], 75, "prisijungimas");
    orm_addvar_string(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][PaskutinisIP], 24, "prisijungip");
    orm_addvar_string(playerdata, PlayerInfo[playerid][Email], 101, "email");
    orm_setkey(playerdata, "user");
    // Korvimas - Nustatymai
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][ID], "id");
    orm_addvar_string(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1, "Vardas");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][cRepair], "cRepair");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][SpeedBooster], "SpeedBooster");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][CarJump], "CarJump");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][tColor], "tColor");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][tPaintJob], "tPaintJob");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][tHydraulics], "tHydraulics");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][tNitro], "tNitro");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][tWheels], "tWheels");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][tNeon], "tNeon");
    orm_addvar_int(settings, PlayerSettings[playerid][Godmode], "Godmode");
    orm_setkey(settings, "Vardas");
    // Krovimas - Papildoma Informacija
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, Papildoma[playerid][ID], "id");
    orm_addvar_string(papildoma, Papildoma[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1, "Vardas");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][1], "UI1");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][2], "UI2");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][3], "UI3");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][4], "UI4");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][5], "UI5");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][6], "UI6");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][7], "UI7");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][8], "UI8");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][9], "UI9");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][10], "UI10");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][11], "UI11");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][12], "UI12");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][13], "UI13");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][14], "UI14");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][15], "UI15");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][16], "UI16");
    orm_addvar_int(papildoma, UzbaigtiIsukiai[playerid][17], "UI17");
    orm_setkey(papildoma, "Vardas");
    // Krovimas Baigtas!
    orm_select(playerdata, "OnPlayerDataLoad", "d", playerid);
    return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][ID] != 0) {
    return 1;

stock MySQL_Update(playerid)
    // Nustatymai
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][PosX], PlayerInfo[playerid][PosY], PlayerInfo[playerid][PosZ]);
    GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][PosA]);
    PlayerInfo[playerid][pSkin] = GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
    PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
    PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] = GetPlayerScore(playerid);
    PlayerInfo[playerid][Data] = GetPlayerDate();
    PlayerInfo[playerid][RegDate] = GetPlayerDate();
    orm_delvar(playerdata, "regdate");
    orm_delvar(playerdata, "IP");
    orm_delvar(playerdata, "email");
    // Update
    return 1;

[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_create - table: "papildoma", connectionHandle: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] COrm::Create - creating new orm object..
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] COrm::Create - orm object created (id: 1)
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_create - table: "nustatymai", connectionHandle: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] COrm::Create - creating new orm object..
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] COrm::Create - orm object created (id: 2)
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_create - table: "playerdata", connectionHandle: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] COrm::Create - creating new orm object..
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] COrm::Create - orm object created (id: 3)
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CB9F0, datatype: 0, varname: "id", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBA58, datatype: 2, varname: "user", var_maxlen: 25
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBABC, datatype: 2, varname: "password", var_maxlen: 101
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBC7C, datatype: 0, varname: "kalba", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBC50, datatype: 0, varname: "score", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBC54, datatype: 0, varname: "money", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBC58, datatype: 0, varname: "skin", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBC84, datatype: 1, varname: "posx", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBC88, datatype: 1, varname: "posy", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBC8C, datatype: 1, varname: "posz", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBC90, datatype: 1, varname: "posa", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBC94, datatype: 0, varname: "reg", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CB9F8, datatype: 2, varname: "IP", var_maxlen: 24
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CC198, datatype: 2, varname: "regdate", var_maxlen: 75
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CC06C, datatype: 2, varname: "prisijungimas", var_maxlen: 75
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBE78, datatype: 2, varname: "prisijungip", var_maxlen: 24
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 3, var: 039CBED8, datatype: 2, varname: "email", var_maxlen: 101
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_setkey - orm_id: 3, varname: "user"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E808, datatype: 0, varname: "id", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E838, datatype: 2, varname: "Vardas", var_maxlen: 25
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E818, datatype: 0, varname: "cRepair", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E810, datatype: 0, varname: "SpeedBooster", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E814, datatype: 0, varname: "CarJump", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E81C, datatype: 0, varname: "tColor", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E820, datatype: 0, varname: "tPaintJob", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E824, datatype: 0, varname: "tHydraulics", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E828, datatype: 0, varname: "tNitro", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E82C, datatype: 0, varname: "tWheels", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E830, datatype: 0, varname: "tNeon", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 2, var: 03A0E834, datatype: 0, varname: "Godmode", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_setkey - orm_id: 2, varname: "Vardas"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A12FE0, datatype: 0, varname: "id", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A12FE4, datatype: 2, varname: "Vardas", var_maxlen: 25
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166B8, datatype: 0, varname: "UI1", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166BC, datatype: 0, varname: "UI2", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166C0, datatype: 0, varname: "UI3", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166C4, datatype: 0, varname: "UI4", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166C8, datatype: 0, varname: "UI5", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166CC, datatype: 0, varname: "UI6", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166D0, datatype: 0, varname: "UI7", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166D4, datatype: 0, varname: "UI8", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166D8, datatype: 0, varname: "UI9", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166DC, datatype: 0, varname: "UI10", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166E0, datatype: 0, varname: "UI11", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166E4, datatype: 0, varname: "UI12", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166E8, datatype: 0, varname: "UI13", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166EC, datatype: 0, varname: "UI14", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166F0, datatype: 0, varname: "UI15", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166F4, datatype: 0, varname: "UI16", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_addvar - orm_id: 1, var: 03A166F8, datatype: 0, varname: "UI17", var_maxlen: 1
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_setkey - orm_id: 1, varname: "Vardas"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_select - orm_id: 3, callback: "OnPlayerDataLoad", format: "d"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnPlayerDataLoad] - starting query execution
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnPlayerDataLoad] - query was successfully executed within 0.567 milliseconds
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::CMySQLResult() - constructor called
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '0', data: "99"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '1', data: "81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '2', data: "1"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '3', data: "4"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '4', data: "12071"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '5', data: "19"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '6', data: "-2141"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '7', data: "1139"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '8', data: "76"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '9', data: "180"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '10', data: "4"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '11', data: ""
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '12', data: "2014-02-22"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '13', data: "2014-02-22"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '14', data: ""
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::GetRowData - row: '0', field: '15', data: "test@gmail.com"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] Calling callback "OnPlayerDataLoad"..
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_errno - orm_id: 3
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_setkey - orm_id: 3, varname: "id"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_setkey - orm_id: 2, varname: "id"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] orm_setkey - orm_id: 1, varname: "id"
[16:29:05] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::~CMySQLResult() - deconstructor called
[16:29:14] [DEBUG] mysql_escape_string - source: "1234", connection: 1, max_len: 101
[16:29:14] [DEBUG] orm_select - orm_id: 2, callback: "OnPlayerLoadSettings", format: "d"
[16:29:14] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnPlayerLoadSettings] - starting query execution
[16:29:14] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnPlayerLoadSettings] - query was successfully executed within 0.477 milliseconds
[16:29:14] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::CMySQLResult() - constructor called
[16:29:14] [DEBUG] Calling callback "OnPlayerLoadSettings"..
[16:29:14] [DEBUG] orm_errno - orm_id: 2
[16:29:14] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::~CMySQLResult() - deconstructor called
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] orm_delvar - orm_id: 3, varname: "regdate"
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] orm_delvar - orm_id: 3, varname: "IP"
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] orm_delvar - orm_id: 3, varname: "email"
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] orm_update - orm_id: 3
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] orm_update - orm_id: 2
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] orm_update - orm_id: 1
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] orm_destroy - orm_id: 3
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] COrm::Destroy - orm object destroyed (id: 3)
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] orm_destroy - orm_id: 2
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] COrm::Destroy - orm object destroyed (id: 2)
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] orm_destroy - orm_id: 1
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] COrm::Destroy - orm object destroyed (id: 1)
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - starting query execution
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - query was successfully executed within 33.666 milliseconds
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - no callback specified, skipping result saving
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - starting query execution
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - query was successfully executed within 0.534 milliseconds
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - no callback specified, skipping result saving
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - starting query execution
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - query was successfully executed within 1.409 milliseconds
[16:30:46] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - no callback specified, skipping result saving
playerdata is updating, but another 2 tables(papildoma, nustatymai) is not updating.

Can you add a change so that we can chose what queries log in the mysql_log?

Except for OnQueryError I don't see any major problems when using it in comparison with R34. You can compile by hand to include last 11 commits (mysql_errno for invalid connection handle, BC breaks and OnQueryError).

Originally Posted by OnPlayerText
View Post
This is the best way to score data TBH!
Thanks for this release and updates BlueG
Another post-whore, you've started to post every single thread. Anyway, BlueG isn't developing this plugin since R8, and you don't know about it so it looks like you are just here to gain post count.

Using R37 is currently ok, or I should switch back to R34?

It'll be very useful if it is posible to add a function to close all opened connexions to a database, like mysql_closeall(connexionHandle = 1) or i don't know, because i got stucked right now, because the server opened over 10 connexions to a database ...

I used "gmx" function for few times, maybe that's the reason why the connexions weren't closed.


Originally Posted by Edvin
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It'll be very useful if it is posible to add a function to close all opened connexions to a database, like mysql_closeall(connexionHandle = 1) or i don't know, because i got stucked right now, because the server opened over 10 connexions to a database ...

I used "gmx" function for few times, maybe that's the reason why the connexions weren't closed.
You should close your connection from OnGameModeExit/OnFilterScriptExit callback.

pawn Код:
if(mysql_errno() != -1)

So I can use r37 normally or there are some bugs? I still use r34 and bug with mysql_close is annoying.

Originally Posted by B-Matt
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So I can use r37 normally or there are some bugs? I still use r34 and bug with mysql_close is annoying.
mysql_close bug is fixed in the newer version

Originally Posted by itsCody
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mysql_close bug is fixed in the newer version
I asked is there any new critical bugs in newer versions.

Originally Posted by B-Matt
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I asked is there any new critical bugs in newer versions.
Originally Posted by Misiur
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Except for OnQueryError I don't see any major problems when using it in comparison with R34. You can compile by hand to include last 11 commits (mysql_errno for invalid connection handle, BC breaks and OnQueryError).
I've already asked that question above. Also, they aren't critical, you can use it except you break anything by yourself because OnQueryError is having issues in showing errors maybe (not really confirmed about it)

Originally Posted by Edvin
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It'll be very useful if it is posible to add a function to close all opened connexions to a database, like mysql_closeall(connexionHandle = 1) or i don't know, because i got stucked right now, because the server opened over 10 connexions to a database ...

I used "gmx" function for few times, maybe that's the reason why the connexions weren't closed.
You have to correctly close every connection with "mysql_close()". If you don't do it (on purpose or by terminating the SA-MP server process) the connection will still be open to the MySQL server. There is no way this connection could be closed afterwards. However, this connection will timeout after a certain time and close itself.

Just a question:
Can the cache functions only be used if you are using a threaded query ?
I mean I want my player data to load without a threaded query?
Can I use the cache functions to get the data ?

Originally Posted by maddinat0r
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You have to correctly close every connection with "mysql_close()". If you don't do it (on purpose or by terminating the SA-MP server process) the connection will still be open to the MySQL server. There is no way this connection could be closed afterwards. However, this connection will timeout after a certain time and close itself.
Hmm ... now's working when i included iZN's solution to close the connection in OnGameModeExit, but some connections are still opened (not so much as before mysql_close).

Originally Posted by iZN
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I've already asked that question above. Also, they aren't critical, you can use it except you break anything by yourself because OnQueryError is having issues in showing errors maybe (not really confirmed about it)
Oh I didn't see your post sorry. Thanks!

R38 is released.

- fixed a bug where the 'OnQueryError' callback wasn't called
- fixed a bug where 'mysql_errno' returned 0 (which means 'no errors') when connection handle was invalid
- fixed a bug where 'mysql_unprocessed_queries' returned wrong values
- fixed a bug where the character set wasn't always applied when calling 'mysql_set_charset'
- fixed a bug where the charset was applied after the execution of a query, even though 'mysql_set_charset' was called before 'mysql_tquery'
- fixed an incompatibility with YSI 4
- fixed a bug where an argument type mismatch error occured when using 'orm_addvar_string' with a normal string
- fixed a bug where the tag check in 'orm_addvar_float' was ignored
- cleaned up include
- improved error handling within the ORM system
- removed old macro 'cache_get_field'
- added more log messages regarding the charset

Download can be found here as always.
Please report any issues or suggestions in this thread or by creating a new issue here.

Wow thanks so much!

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