17.05.2009, 20:36
What does it do?
This Filterscript creates and automatically changes roadblocks every 10min at moment there is max. amount of roadblocks at same time 10 (you can change how much roadblocks you want at same time)... Isn't very useful but its my first realease :P
/blockhelp - list of commands
/destroyblocks - destroyes all active blocks (wont kill timer)
/stopblocks - destroyes all active blocks (will kill timer too)
/updateblocks - updates blocks
/startblocks - creates blocks and activates timer
Code: http://pastebin.com/d513f4f43


Hope you like it
This Filterscript creates and automatically changes roadblocks every 10min at moment there is max. amount of roadblocks at same time 10 (you can change how much roadblocks you want at same time)... Isn't very useful but its my first realease :P
/blockhelp - list of commands
/destroyblocks - destroyes all active blocks (wont kill timer)
/stopblocks - destroyes all active blocks (will kill timer too)
/updateblocks - updates blocks
/startblocks - creates blocks and activates timer
Code: http://pastebin.com/d513f4f43


Hope you like it