MySQL Fix +REP REP REP! URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

coudl someone read through my script and fix my s ave system? when I make someone admin ingame and they log out it doesnt save etc, also with everything but account password and username lawl

A title like that isn't going to make people help you faster, it's just going to make you look stupid.

Why bother posting here if you dont got an answer? Pathetic.

To let you know that a title like that isn't going to make people help you faster, it's just going to make you look stupid. It will help you get help in the future.

are you even connected to the mysql database?

And what MP2 was saying that's true no need to put REP REP REP URGENT makes you look like a idiot so next time don't put it.

Yes I am connected, I even made an account inside from the database and logged it in. Is it something to do with

You're not setting the IsPlayerLoggedIn variable when the log in, only when they register. This once more proves the importance of debugging. If you'd debug your OnPlayerDisconnect you would've noticed that the value of the variable was 0.


You have already made a topic about this, and the answer was provided. You even just quoted the answer..

I'd also recommend using the bool: tag.

and how do I do that ^

Originally Posted by Vince
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You're not setting the IsPlayerLoggedIn variable when they log in, only when they register. This once more proves the importance of debugging. If you'd debug your OnPlayerDisconnect you would've noticed that the value of the variable was 0.
Setting variables is probably the single easiest thing you can do in scripting. If you can't manage that, I think you're going too fast and you should learn the basics before trying to script more complex systems.

Okay So How do I do it? I dont understand the explanation on wiki

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