16.05.2009, 18:26
Last edited by Guedes747; 26/02/2011 at 11:11 AM.
After beeing away for a long period of time, i worked on this map....
Worktime: 2h 20mins
Objects count: 138 Objects
*Location: West of San Fierro (Look at "Location" screen, if you have trouble finding the map)
Another closed DM map by me, this time its not a island, its just some roads closed with hills arround them, its very simple map actually, yet the one that uses more objects... It has 2 bases that i tryed to balance as much as possible so thares no unfair advantages for the teams, added small buildings and gates to make it look like a border, and some cranes outside to give the "under construction" enviorment.
Also added "blinking" lamposts (because its funny)....
Hope you enjoy this simple map
Sugestions: Its better if used as a Team DM map, all weapons would be good to DM here, except Rocketlaunchers or Flametrowers.
Screens(sorry for the pics bad angle):
I think on these screen you are able to see all objects, yet beware that some objects might not appear in certain pics!


Bridge upper level:

Bridge Lower level:

The border control buildings + gates:

*Location view(from the map):
This is the SF coast, this photo was taken from one of the map hills
Beware that due the elevated Objects amount used on this map, i could not fix the "Flying rocks" problem, but this problem can only be saw from outside of the map, not from the DM point, wish is inside...

Now heres the download link: http://guedestudios.weebly.com/uploa...tia_bridge.zip
Hope you enjoy it
Militia Bridge
Creator: Guedes747Worktime: 2h 20mins
Objects count: 138 Objects
*Location: West of San Fierro (Look at "Location" screen, if you have trouble finding the map)
Another closed DM map by me, this time its not a island, its just some roads closed with hills arround them, its very simple map actually, yet the one that uses more objects... It has 2 bases that i tryed to balance as much as possible so thares no unfair advantages for the teams, added small buildings and gates to make it look like a border, and some cranes outside to give the "under construction" enviorment.
Also added "blinking" lamposts (because its funny)....
Hope you enjoy this simple map

Sugestions: Its better if used as a Team DM map, all weapons would be good to DM here, except Rocketlaunchers or Flametrowers.
Screens(sorry for the pics bad angle):
I think on these screen you are able to see all objects, yet beware that some objects might not appear in certain pics!


Bridge upper level:

Bridge Lower level:

The border control buildings + gates:

*Location view(from the map):
This is the SF coast, this photo was taken from one of the map hills
Beware that due the elevated Objects amount used on this map, i could not fix the "Flying rocks" problem, but this problem can only be saw from outside of the map, not from the DM point, wish is inside...

Now heres the download link: http://guedestudios.weebly.com/uploa...tia_bridge.zip
Hope you enjoy it