What is your future?

Just got bored so I wanted to know about your target in future.. Are you going to code PAWN for rest of the life? Or start C++ or something else to make your software? Or become a doctor? What are your dream projects? What do you want to be in future? What are your dreams? What is the objective of your life? That objective, by which, when you have successfully completed your objective, you will feel your life's mission is complete?

About me: A day will come when I will give the responsibility of my scripts, includes to someone. Then I will leave PAWN and start my own independent single wide road to C++'s success (And other objectives of my life). I will have my projects, applications, things which will help the world. Then, I may feel that my mission is complete. (Some day)

What about you?

I'm hoping to one day either own my own vehicle garage (i'd love to do that) or just run a small home business that would be involving coding.

I'd like to finish learning website related languages. At the moment I know HTML/CSS and learning JavaScript, later PHP. So I'd like to make websites.

Also I will probably start a server for a specific game - not sure tho.

I'd also like to still be running City Life RP and my ******* channel.

My aim is to get selected in IIT and do Engineering. After Engineering, I will do MBA and after MBA, I will work for some company for about 4 years and then I will open a company related to computer.

My goal is to become a Cinematographer, work in various tv/cinema projects... I'm still studying and doing few freelance stuff, but I hope one day, my name will appear in credits.

I hope one day have my own garage with my 71's dodge charger

Ill be fighting robot pirates in space as the first US president governing on the ISS.

To Travel is Los Angeles with my friends and to be rich!

Apart from it having to do with programming, I honestly don't know yet. I am currently doing a study in Computer Science at the university, and will most likely do a master study after this. But what I will do after that, I don't know? Maybe my own business, maybe at another company, maybe I'll stay and continue working as teacher. (Currently working as teaching assistant)

Well how I see my future..
I want to become a firefighter... Save the lives from the ones you don't know.. I'm up for it.

My parents want me to study medical science first then I can do what ever I want..

I don't know yet, all i am thinking to do now is finish the university and get a decent job.

Currently in college in graphics design. After that, I'd like to continue in programming till I get PhD in programming and work for Rockstar as programmer.


and work for Rockstar as programmer.

Then please give me the source of GTA SA and other releases in C++.

Work at ****** or another great company that has a playful attitude. Look at their datacenter: http://*******/maps/u54wp

Originally Posted by Vince
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Work at ****** or another great company that has a playful attitude. Look at their datacenter: http://*******/maps/u54wp
Have you seen that code.org video? There are some awesome looking offices for programming in there

I'm going to college this year to study computer science and then plan to go to university and continue with computer science and maybe physics/maths.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Ill be fighting robot pirates in space as the first US president governing on the ISS.
Lool your not the only one with that dream...

Start a rap career,keep on doing boxing..to get high up..,and smoke weed everyday!

Do we really have a future? You must be kidding me.

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