need help other players cant get in business...

there is command /enter to enter the business and just the owner of the biz can enter other players cant ...
i wanted to change it for all players to get in the businnes ... can anyone help me with this?

here is the cmd to Enter to business
pawn Код:
// This command lets the player enter the house/business if he's the owner
COMMAND:enter(playerid, params[])
    // If a player hasn't logged in properly, he cannot use this command
    if (INT_IsPlayerLoggedIn(playerid) == 0) return 0;

    // Setup local variables
    new BusID, BusType;

    // Make sure the player isn't inside a vehicle
    if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == -1)
        // Loop through all player-owned businesses
        for (new BusSlot; BusSlot < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; BusSlot++)
            // Get the business-id at the selected slot from the player
            BusID = APlayerData[playerid][Business][BusSlot];

            // Check if the player has a business in this slot
            if (BusID != 0)
                // Check if the player is in range of the business-pickup
                if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.5, ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessX], ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessY], ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessZ]))
                    // Get the business-type
                    BusType = ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessType];

                    // Set the worldid so other players cannot see him anymore
                    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 2000 + BusID);
                    // Set the player inside the interior of the business
                    SetPlayerInterior(playerid, ABusinessInteriors[BusType][InteriorID]);
                    // Set the position of the player at the spawn-location of the business's interior
                    SetPlayerPos(playerid, ABusinessInteriors[BusType][IntX], ABusinessInteriors[BusType][IntY], ABusinessInteriors[BusType][IntZ]);

                    // Also set a tracking-variable to enable /busmenu to track in which business the player is
                    APlayerData[playerid][CurrentBusiness] = BusID;
                    // Also let the player know he can use /busmenu to control his business
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{00FF00}Use {FFFF00}/busmenu{00FF00} to change options for your business");

                    // Exit the function
                    return 1;

    // If no business was in range, allow other scripts to use the same command (like the housing-script)
    return 0;

There is nothing in this code, that forbids players to enter into business. Show us /enter command

It might be because you set like
pawn Код:
if(bInfo[Player[playerid][OwnedBusiness] == business)
and then they will be able to see it. Do not make it like that.

pawn Код:
// This command lets the player enter the house/business if he's the owner
COMMAND:enter(playerid, params[])
    // If a player hasn't logged in properly, he cannot use this command
    if (INT_IsPlayerLoggedIn(playerid) == 0) return 0;

    // Setup local variables
    new BusID, BusType;

    // Make sure the player isn't inside a vehicle
    if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == -1)
        // Loop through all player-owned businesses
        for (new BusSlot; BusSlot < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; BusSlot++)
            // Get the business-id at the selected slot from the player
            BusID = APlayerData[playerid][Business][BusSlot];

            // Check if the player has a business in this slot
            if (BusID != 0)
                // Check if the player is in range of the business-pickup
                if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.5, ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessX], ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessY], ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessZ]))
                    // Get the business-type
                    BusType = ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessType];

                    // Set the worldid so other players cannot see him anymore
                    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 2000 + BusID);
                    // Set the player inside the interior of the business
                    SetPlayerInterior(playerid, ABusinessInteriors[BusType][InteriorID]);
                    // Set the position of the player at the spawn-location of the business's interior
                    SetPlayerPos(playerid, ABusinessInteriors[BusType][IntX], ABusinessInteriors[BusType][IntY], ABusinessInteriors[BusType][IntZ]);

                    // Also set a tracking-variable to enable /busmenu to track in which business the player is
                    APlayerData[playerid][CurrentBusiness] = BusID;
                    // Also let the player know he can use /busmenu to control his business
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{00FF00}Use {FFFF00}/busmenu{00FF00} to change options for your business");

                    // Exit the function
                    return 1;

    // If no business was in range, allow other scripts to use the same command (like the housing-script)
    return 0;
here is the cmd /enter
how i can do it and for other players to enter not just the owner

That's not brining any sence.. There is nothing that causes your problem in the codes you provide us.

can anyone make it that all players can get in store??

pawn Код:
// Loop through all player-owned businesses
        for (new BusSlot; BusSlot < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; BusSlot++)
            // Get the business-id at the selected slot from the player
            BusID = APlayerData[playerid][Business][BusSlot];

            // Check if the player has a business in this slot
            if (BusID != 0)
I think this is it, correct me if I'm wrong. If a player does not have a BizSlot, wouldn't it prevent them from entering?

anyone will help pls

can anyone make a command that other players can get in biz??

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