What happend to the server Newlife-RP.nl

i am new here and have a simpel qeustion. What happend to the server: Newlife-RP.nl it was online a whole time and then dissapeerd. Is it updatting or have SA-MP delleted out of the internet list. It was a nice server but it just fannisd what happend to it??

You need to see the server's forums.

If you get lucky,you might get a reply from someone in this forum.

I remeber NL-RP, it's not rp, haha.

It turned out to DM "RP".

It will be back, the vps server is down at the moment, due to a harddisk crash I hope to get it fixed tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Gehaktbal
It will be back, the vps server is down at the moment, due to a harddisk crash I hope to get it fixed tomorrow.
Is the site olso down whit the crash??

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