Objects helping

Hello, I want to show you any problem I'm posted about objects
The old man used the script added a objects to LA_Cityhall and I'm changed the LA_Cityhall for SF_Cityhall.
And know I want to remove the objects he made.

If you know the objects ID of the red mat,the fence the grass and the enternce with the red rope comment in the post.
Sorry of my bad english

2 ways to do that
1- Best sulotion and it works for meh , Enter your server with ****** Mode( using for legall stuff )
go near the object click F11 if i remember good , it will show you the id of the object

2 - copy the code of the map objects to SA-MP map editor , and click on the Coast mode on the object and u'll find the ID at ur right corner ..

Good luck

Look, In the first opinion F11 Didn't work, and I don't know the Code of the mapping beacuse That's I say.

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