sortof an array inside an array?


so, I was wondering if I can make something like:

pawn Код:
enum cpData
    Float:CP_X[ 20 ],
    Float:CP_Y[ 20 ],
    Float:CP_Z[ 20 ]
new Float:RaceCheckpoints[ 1 ][ cpData ] =
    { 10.001, 51.5123, 25.12312 }
it works fine, but how should I do it? I mean, CP_X[ 0 ] should be 10.001; CP_Y[ 0 ] should be 51.5123; and CP_Z[ 0 ] should be 25.12312;

then it should go on, on the same row, till CP_X/Y/Z[ 19 ];

for example.

{ 123, 456, 789, 123, 2345, 12315, 1234, 12352315, 35, 345, 123, 153125, 321431, 34132, 12341 ...> all the way to 19; }

like that in the array.

the problem is that it gives:

warning 227: more initiallers than enum fields
warning 213: tag mismatch
warning 227: more initiallers than enum fields
warning 213: tag mismatch
error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size
I'm not sure how to do this, excluding the fact of using CP1_X/Y/Z CP2_X/Y/Z etc, which I don't want to do unless there's no other option, because it looks terrible.

You have 3D array, and are initialising 2D array. It'd look like
pawn Код:
enum cpData
    Float:CP_X[ 2 ],
    Float:CP_Y[ 2 ],
    Float:CP_Z[ 2 ]
new Float:RaceCheckpoints[ 1 ][ cpData ] =
    { { 10.001, 12.0 }, { 51.5123, 52.0 }, { 25.12312, 26.0 } }
However pawncc shipped with server, doesn't support multidimensional initialising. You'd need to use Zeex's compiler (search the forum for it, somewhere in tools subforum)

oh I see.


I didn't really find a compiler, but is this the one you mean?

also, how should I use it?

should I use it like this?

pawn Код:
RaceCheckpoints[ raceid ][ CP_X ][ 0 ]
but idk because that would get all the variables of CP_X in the first array part, right? while it should get the first coordinate from the first array part.

Yup, that's how you use it. RaceCheckpoints[ raceid ][ CP_X ][ 0 ] means that you want exactly first value from the CP_X array, inside RaceCheckpoints at raceid index. - here's the latest build. You have to substitute in your pawno folder pawncc.exe and all other files with those which you download.

well, I downloaded that one, but now it gives:

D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : fatal error 111: user error: Please include <a_npc> or <a_samp> first.

Compilation aborted.

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664.samp	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
I tried using #include <a_samp> but it still gives this error..

Is it higher in code than #include <sscanf2>? If not, put it there. Otherwise, go to , download latest dll and inc. If the problem persists, stuff is weird

well, I tried both, but it still gives this error :/

My apologies, I had outdated Go into your and remove those lines:
pawn Код:
#elseif !defined _inc_a_samp
    #error Please include <a_npc> or <a_samp> first.

D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Player@YSII_Cg"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Bot@YSII_Cg"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_RandomInternal"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_FreeInternal"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_AddInternal"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_RemoveInternal"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_SafeRemoveInternal"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_ContainsInternal"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_ClearInternal"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_InitInternal"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_PrevInternal"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\HiStreet\ : warning 213: tag mismatch
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\HiStreet\ : warning 213: tag mismatch
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\HiStreet\ : warning 213: tag mismatch
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "VehicleFriendlyNames"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetVehicleNameByID"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetVehicleModelFromName"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetVehicleNameByModel"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\gamemodes\NGStreet.pwn(39) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_OnGameModeInit"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\gamemodes\NGStreet.pwn(202) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_OnPlayerConnect"
D:\Program Files\NextGen Streetracers\gamemodes\NGStreet.pwn(249) : error 021: symbol already defined: "Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664.samp	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

18 Errors.
that didn't turn out very well

Ha, that makes me wonder why would even my compiler work with the same YSI files. Ok, revert that change, and in your main file, after #include <a_samp> add
pawn Код:
#define _inc_a_samp
If that raises another metric shitton of errors, then I dun goof'd. You'd have to download server pack again, and replace back pawncc and that dll file :c Sorry about that, didn't anticipate that

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