Getting the virtual world of dynamic objects

Hi there,

I'm using Incognito's streamer.
Is there any way for me to get the virtual world of a dynamic object?
I've been trying to figure it out for ages but I can't seem to, I know that the dynamic object will change IDs but that's not the problem. I have several objects in different virtual worlds and I am wanting to run a loop through all the objects in the virtual world.

Thanks in advance.

That may work.
pawn Код:
new obj_vw = Streamer_GetIntData(STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, objectid, E_STREAMER_WORLD_ID);

In terms of getting the objectid, how would I go about specifying that?
I have run an example with the current ID of a streamed dynamic object but it tells me
*** Streamer_GetIntData: Invalid data specified
Why would it do that?

You would use it in a loop, checking if it was a valid object and using the variable from the loop as objectid.

However, it seems that it does not support world id in Streamer_GetIntData. Other than that, the most common way would be an array to store the virtual world of each object unless there's another way (I doubt).

I was afraid I'd have to store each object.
Thanks for your help though, it's much appreciated, I've given you some rep.

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