[GameMode] [GM]Los Angeles Roleplay [OLD THREAD]

The problem is that: agrege vehicles and I put them without they go out in sale and the ID's do not get lost, it turns out that I buy an own(proper) vehicle of the concessionaire, I park it with/v to park and cojes you leave and enter(approach) of the servant, or close and open servant and the vehicle does not go out where aparcastes, and you cannot locate it .. I need urgent help, if me the agradeceria can help much all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Already thank you!!

sorry for my bad english

Originally Posted by Javi_Cogollero
The problem is that: agrege vehicles and I put them without they go out in sale and the ID's do not get lost, it turns out that I buy an own(proper) vehicle of the concessionaire, I park it with/v to park and cojes you leave and enter(approach) of the servant, or close and open servant and the vehicle does not go out where aparcastes, and you cannot locate it .. I need urgent help, if me the agradeceria can help much all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Already thank you!!

sorry for my bad english
Well, put the CORRECT ID's for cars then. I suggest you dont do it if you're a noob.

Originally Posted by TheRock92
Originally Posted by Scorcher
Originally Posted by TheRock92
Guys,umm i am not very good at scripting so can some1 tell me how to fix the problem with the compiling.I mean this problem:

C:\Documents and Settings\blablabla\Bureaublad\Godfather\gamemodes\ larp.pwn(43823) : error 021: symbol already defined: "NameTimer"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error
Did you put the includes into the includes folder?
Yes.Then i put the larp.pwn in the gamemode folder and when i tried to compile it this error came out
if still not fixed,
you must put the AMX in the gamemodes, not the pwn

Remove "NameTimer" from the script.

How do I get the amx file to put in the script files?

Where can i locate Gangs hq?

Can someone locate this for me?


im newbie :P

Originally Posted by Scorcher
Originally Posted by Javi_Cogollero
The problem is that: agrege vehicles and I put them without they go out in sale and the ID's do not get lost, it turns out that I buy an own(proper) vehicle of the concessionaire, I park it with/v to park and cojes you leave and enter(approach) of the servant, or close and open servant and the vehicle does not go out where aparcastes, and you cannot locate it .. I need urgent help, if me the agradeceria can help much all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Already thank you!!

sorry for my bad english
Well, put the CORRECT ID's for cars then. I suggest you dont do it if you're a noob.
scorcher your a fucking nob cheese mate... people only askin simple questions and you call them all fucking noobs...

isit cause your a retarded little kid and your mommy didnt love you..
an yea i see now u dont have any idea about this script you just like to act like you do..

People if you want help..
dont ask scorcher cause he'll just call you a retard even though he doesnt know himself.... cause hes so cool lmfao

I Agree As What Muppet Would no to Delete There old Includes Folder And Make sure you add the GF Inc files and the ones with ther script if you want to complie and not get "NameTimer"

and soccer says "Remove "NameTimer" from the script"

i wouldnt take that advice people they made this game mode for you and its so bugged and deliberate as skins /duty spawns etc and the more you guys use it the less people will play yours why would they play your server when they no your copying they no its bugged when the could player Project Realality Witch isnt bugged this is to make you look stupid as i see many useing this mode its weird how no ones see's it like dont you think player that login in your server log back off as they no its a shit script learn to script then make a server s you will get further.!!!!!!!


You are a useless helper, As goes for your topic,

If you look at my post,

""Hes hardly ever on""

""I dont know where to get guns""

Originally Posted by JoeDaDude
You are a useless helper, As goes for your topic,

If you look at my post,

""Hes hardly ever on""

""I dont know where to get guns""
Roflmao ok mate well good luck

EDIT: Why are you reading my help topic if you aint even a scripter...your just a player

How do i set virtual world to 0?

Originally Posted by Larry_Langley
Originally Posted by JoeDaDude
You are a useless helper, As goes for your topic,

If you look at my post,

""Hes hardly ever on""

""I dont know where to get guns""
Roflmao ok mate well good luck

EDIT: Why are you reading my help topic if you aint even a scripter...your just a player
I am a scripter, If i can be bothered..

Originally Posted by Magneeto
How do i set virtual world to 0?

Can someone tell me who has a MySQL LARP? Because MySQL is much better than the .ini

I currently have a MySQL based one, but It won't be released. It's not hard to convert it to SQL as it already has SQL inside it.

Can't you please give it? Because its bugged like fuck as I tried it like 5 times. Pleasee

I need ADMIN commands and how I can be ADMIN of my server? ||||||||| z0fmg

Its just too lame! Hoodstar, you didnt script nothing! 99 % script is scripted by Eliis.
Oh dude you added 2 cop car. Wow nice you scripted it.
You might put your Credits for that Project Reality RP script but not this.

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