Dynamic textdraws

Anybody here knows how to make dynamic textdraws? I mean like: a weapon shop with a list of weapons in arrays, then instead of creating a new textdraw for each weapon name, the script will read this array and auto create the textdraw. Any tip?

You mean like in singleplayer? When you walk in ammunation you can buy weapons etc?

Emh i think you dont understand what i said.

14:57 [MG]Dimi Erm Face
14:57 Meelis13 lol
14:57 Meelis13 for shop i guess
14:57 [MG]Dimi Make enum with data
14:57 Beremix yes
14:57 [MG]Dimi ex.
14:58 [MG]Dimi Name
14:58 [MG]Dimi Price
14:58 [MG]Dimi Type (0 weapon, 1 vehicle)
14:58 *** Passord quit (User Disconnect: )
14:58 [MG]Dimi ShopID
14:58 *** Passord joined #MG
14:58 +++ Mini-Games has given op to Passord
14:58 *** DjJunior quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
14:58 [Air]Albers14 such skills, so many data much pawno
14:58 [Air]Albers14 xd
14:58 [MG]Dimi ID (vehicle if Type = 1 and weapon = 0)
14:58 *** DjJunior joined #MG
14:58 +++ Mini-Games has given voice to DjJunior
14:59 [MG]Dimi etc.
14:59 [MG]Dimi then you calculate start of textdraw
14:59 Passord so much
14:59 Passord sex
15:00 [MG]Dimi ex. x= 5, y = 200
15:00 [MG]Dimi and then offset
15:00 [MG]Dimi First item goes y (200) + x (Item ID = 0) * 25 (for example)
15:00 RadioBot RADIO NEWS: Party non stop with DjJunior - #MG RADIO
15:00 [MG]Dimi then you go item ID++
15:00 [MG]Dimi and in next it will be 200+ 1*25
15:00 [MG]Dimi third will be
15:01 [MG]Dimi 200+2*25
15:01 [MG]Dimi and os on
15:01 [MG]Dimi and so on*
15:01 [MG]Dimi if your enum is sItems
15:01 [MG]Dimi you make variable
15:02 [MG]Dimi new ShopItems[MAX_SHOP_ITEMS][sItems];
15:02 [MG]Dimi Define somewhere MAX_SHOP_ITEMS
15:02 [MG]Dimi and then to display certain shop you use loop
15:02 [MG]Dimi for(new i=0; i < MAX_SHOP_ITEMS; i++)
15:02 [MG]Dimi {
15:03 [MG]Dimi if(ShopItems[i][ShopID] == 1) //for example
15:03 [MG]Dimi {
15:03 Passord yes
15:03 [MG]Dimi /add it to shop textdraw group
15:03 [MG]Dimi }
15:03 [MG]Dimi }
15:03 [MG]Dimi and that's it
15:03 [MG]Dimi not that hard
15:03 [MG]Dimi And since you are **** IM gonna go post this in SA-Mp Topic

Quick tutorial I gave you on IRC while you were AFK.

Can You Explain More?! Please

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