17.01.2014, 05:28
Последний раз редактировалось Lordzy; 17.01.2014 в 07:31.
I've been testing a new feature using the callback OnPlayerWeaponShot and came to know that it doesn't support melee weapons. That's fine, however there's some more issues like it doesn't include weapons like sniper, rocket launchers, grenades or even moltoves. I hope this would get fixed on the next RC releases. I'm sorry if this has been reported already.
EDIT : Understood on the fact that melee weapons or grenades doesn't perform "SHOT". However, snipers and RPG doesn't get called. :/
[Filterscript] Destroyable Objects
Here's a small filterscript that I've created which damages objects and reduces their HP. If HP goes to zero, it gets destroyed. This code affects damage well only on objects created via "CreateObject" codes. I'm not releasing it on filterscript section because the current 0.3z client is still RC and this FS is actually meant for testing.
Thanks to Deadspirit for the island map.
EDIT : Understood on the fact that melee weapons or grenades doesn't perform "SHOT". However, snipers and RPG doesn't get called. :/
[Filterscript] Destroyable Objects
Here's a small filterscript that I've created which damages objects and reduces their HP. If HP goes to zero, it gets destroyed. This code affects damage well only on objects created via "CreateObject" codes. I'm not releasing it on filterscript section because the current 0.3z client is still RC and this FS is actually meant for testing.

Thanks to Deadspirit for the island map.