|| ________ ________ ___ _ ______ ______ ________ ||
|| \ | _____| | ____ | | \ | | | _ \ | _ \ | ____ | / ||
|| ======== \ | |_____ | |____| | | |\ \ | | | | | | | |_| / | |____| | / ======== ||
|| | | _____ | | ____ | | | \ \| | | | | | | _ \ | ____ | | ||
|| ======== / ______| | | | | | | | \ \ | | |_| | | | \ \ | | | | \ ======== ||
|| / |________| |_| |_| |_| \__| |______/ |_| \_| |_| |_| \ ||
|| ||
|| Created on the 6th of January 2009 by =>Sandra<= ||
|| Do NOT remove my credits!! ||
#include <a_samp>
#include <YSI\\y_ini>
#define Min_Reward 10000
#define Reward_Per_Health_Percent 100
#define Reward_Discount_Per_Second 10
#define MAX_MINUTES 6
new Float:RC[54][3] =
new bool:RaceStarted;
new CurrentRacer = -1;
new Float:LastPos[4], LastInterior;
new Racecar;
new CC;
new StartTickcount;
new CountdownTimer;
new Count;
new highscoretimes[11];
new tmphighscoretimes[11];
new highscorenames[11][MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new tmphighscorenames[11][MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new Text:HighScoreTable[4];
new HighScoreTableString[4][128];
new IsViewingHighScoreTable[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Text:InfoBox;
new InfoBoxString[128];
new InfoTimer;
new Died;
new ExitVehicleTimer;
new TimeOutOfVehicle;
new CameraTimer, Float:CamCount;
new max_minutes = MAX_MINUTES;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
new tmp[3];
for(new i=1; i<11; i++)
format(tmp, 5, "T%d", i);
highscoretimes[i] = INI_Int("MCR-Highscores.txt",tmp);
for(new i=1; i<11; i++)
format(tmp, 5, "N%d", i);
format(highscorenames[i], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, "%s", INI_String("MCR-Highscores.txt", tmp));
InfoBox = TextDrawCreate(200.0, 350.0, " ");
TextDrawTextSize(InfoBox, 440, 410);
HighScoreTable[0] = TextDrawCreate(150.0,114.3," ");
HighScoreTable[1] = TextDrawCreate(150.0,161.0," ");
HighScoreTable[2] = TextDrawCreate(150.0,197.0," ");
HighScoreTable[3] = TextDrawCreate(150.0,233.0," ");
for(new i; i<4; i++)
TextDrawTextSize(HighScoreTable[i], 550, 410);
print(" Mount Chiliad Race ");
print(" by =>Sandra<= ");
print(" loaded ");
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00AA, "This server has a Mount Chiliad Race! Type /mcrace to join!!");
IsViewingHighScoreTable[playerid] = 0;
return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
if(playerid == CurrentRacer)
return 1;
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if(playerid == CurrentRacer)
Died = 1;
return 1;
public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid)
if(vehicleid == Racecar)
return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/mcrace", cmdtext, true) == 0)
if(RaceStarted == true)
new rName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128];
GetPlayerName(CurrentRacer, rName, sizeof(rName));
format(str, 128, "Sorry, %s [ID %d] is already doing this race! Wait till he/she's finished!", rName, CurrentRacer);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, str);
return 1;
RaceStarted = true;
CurrentRacer = playerid;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, LastPos[0], LastPos[1], LastPos[2]);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, LastPos[3]);
LastInterior = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
Racecar = CreateVehicle(560, -2299.7456,-1673.9592,483.3256,206.6098, 0, 0, -1);
AddVehicleComponent(Racecar,1009); // 2x Nitro
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, Racecar, 0);
CC = 0;
SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, RC[CC][0], RC[CC][1], RC[CC][2], RC[CC+1][0], RC[CC+1][1], RC[CC+1][2], 3);
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, -2308.3823,-1705.7048,490.4961);
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, -2295.3433,-1722,475.4256);
CameraTimer = SetTimer("MoveCamera", 25, 1);
CamCount = 1722.0;
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
CountdownTimer = SetTimerEx("Countdown", 1000, 1, "i", playerid);
Count = 5;
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Get Ready! ~n~~n~~b~5", 1500, 3);
return 1;
if (strcmp("/showhighscore", cmdtext, true) == 0)
if(IsViewingHighScoreTable[playerid] == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00FF00AA, "Type /hidehighscore to hide this highscore-table");
ShowHighScoreTable(playerid, 999);
return 1;
if (strcmp("/hidehighscore", cmdtext, true) == 0)
if(IsViewingHighScoreTable[playerid] == 1)
return 1;
if (strcmp("/exitrace", cmdtext, true) == 0)
if(playerid == CurrentRacer)
return 1;
return 0;
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
if(playerid == CurrentRacer)
if(oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~You have ~y~10 ~r~seconds ~n~to get back~n~in your car!!", 1500, 3);
TimeOutOfVehicle = 10;
ExitVehicleTimer = SetTimer("OutOfVehicle", 1000, 1);
if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, " ", 10, 3);
forward OutOfVehicle();
public OutOfVehicle()
new str[128];
format(str, 128, "~r~You have ~y~%d ~r~seconds ~n~to get back~n~in your car!!", TimeOutOfVehicle);
GameTextForPlayer(CurrentRacer, str, 1500, 3);
if(TimeOutOfVehicle == 0)
public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid)
if(CC < 52) //Show Normal Checkpoints
SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, RC[CC][0], RC[CC][1], RC[CC][2], RC[CC+1][0], RC[CC+1][1], RC[CC+1][2], 3);
else if(CC == 52) //Show Finish Checkpoint
SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 1, RC[CC][0], RC[CC][1], RC[CC][2], RC[CC][0], RC[CC][1], RC[CC][2], 4);
else if(CC == 53) //Player Is In Last Checkpoint!
GameTextForPlayer(CurrentRacer, "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~y~Winner!!", 3500, 3);
return 1;
public OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint(playerid)
return 1;
forward Countdown(playerid);
public Countdown(playerid)
if(Count > 1)
new str[30];
format(str, sizeof(str), "~r~Get Ready! ~n~~n~~b~%d", Count);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str, 3000, 3);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Go!", 1500, 3);
StartTickcount = GetTickCount();
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
InfoTimer = SetTimer("UpdateInfoBox", 100, 1);
new Time = GetTickCount()-StartTickcount;
new Float:Health;
GetVehicleHealth(Racecar, Health);
Health = (Health/10);
new Min, Sec, Mil;
ConvertTime(Time, Min, Sec, Mil);
new Reward = (floatround(Min_Reward + (Health*Reward_Per_Health_Percent)) - ((Min*60+Sec)*Reward_Discount_Per_Second));
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, Reward);
new rName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128];
GetPlayerName(CurrentRacer, rName, sizeof(rName));
if(Time < highscoretimes[1])
format(str, 128, "%s has finished the Mount Chiliad Race !!. He/She won $%d!!", rName, Reward);
SendClientMessageToAll(0x7FFF00AA, str);
format(str, 128, "%s broke a new record: %02d:%02d:%03d!!", rName, Min, Sec, Mil);
SendClientMessageToAll(0x7FFF00AA, str);
format(str, 128, "%s has finished the Mount Chiliad Race in %02d:%02d:%03d!!. He/She won $%d!!", rName, Min, Sec, Mil, Reward);
SendClientMessageToAll(0x7FFF00AA, str);
GameTextForPlayer(CurrentRacer, "~y~Winner!!", 3500, 3);
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
SetScoreInHighscoreTable(playerid, Time);
GameTextForPlayer(CurrentRacer, "~r~Game Over", 3500, 3);
new rName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128];
GetPlayerName(CurrentRacer, rName, sizeof(rName));
format(str, 128, "%s has failed the Mount Chiliad Race. If you want to try, typ /mcrace", rName);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFA500AA, str);
SetTimerEx("ResetRace", 5000, 0, "i", CurrentRacer);
forward ResetRace(playerid);
public ResetRace(playerid)
if(Died == 0)
SetPlayerInterior(CurrentRacer, LastInterior);
SetPlayerPos(CurrentRacer, LastPos[0], LastPos[1], LastPos[2]);
SetPlayerFacingAngle(CurrentRacer, LastPos[3]);
Died = 0;
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
Racecar = -1;
RaceStarted = false;
CurrentRacer = -1;
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, " ", 10, 3);
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1188, -1633.0308,-2240.3904,37.3984);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, InfoBox);
stock SetScoreInHighscoreTable(playerid, time)
new Position = 999;
for(new i=1; i<11; i++)
if(time < highscoretimes[i])
Position = i;
if(Position != 999 && Position != 10)
for(new j=Position; j<10; j++)
tmphighscoretimes[j+1] = highscoretimes[j];
format(tmphighscorenames[j+1], 24, "%s",highscorenames[j]);
for(new j=Position; j<10; j++)
highscoretimes[j+1] = tmphighscoretimes[j+1];
format(highscorenames[j+1], 24, "%s", tmphighscorenames[j+1]);
highscoretimes[Position] = time;
GetPlayerName(playerid, highscorenames[Position], 24);
if(Position == 10)
highscoretimes[10] = time;
GetPlayerName(playerid, highscorenames[10], 24);
ShowHighScoreTable(playerid, Position);
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1187, -1633.0308,-2240.3904,37.3984);
SetTimerEx("ResetRace", 10000, 0, "i", playerid);
new tmp[5];
for(new i=1; i<11; i++)
format(tmp, 5, "T%d", i);
dini_IntSet("MCR-Highscores.txt", tmp, highscoretimes[i]);
for(new i=1; i<11; i++)
format(tmp, 5, "N%d", i);
dini_Set("MCR-Highscores.txt", tmp, highscorenames[i]);
ShowHighScoreTable(playerid, Position)
new mt[10], sc[10], ms[10];
case 1:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~y~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 2:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~y~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 3:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~y~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 4:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~y~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 5:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~y~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 6:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~y~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 7:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~y~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 8:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~y~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 9:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~y~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 10:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~y~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
case 999:
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[1], mt[0], sc[0], ms[0]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[2], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1]);
format(HighScoreTableString[0], 128, "~y~ Highscores:~n~~r~# %5s %10s~n~~g~01: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~02: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", "Time", "Name", mt[0], sc[0], ms[0], highscorenames[1], mt[1], sc[1], ms[1], highscorenames[2]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[3], mt[2], sc[2], ms[2]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[4], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[5], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4]);
format(HighScoreTableString[1], 128, "~g~03: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~04: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~05: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[2], sc[2], ms[2], highscorenames[3], mt[3], sc[3], ms[3], highscorenames[4], mt[4], sc[4], ms[4], highscorenames[5]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[6], mt[5], sc[5], ms[5]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[7], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[8], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7]);
format(HighScoreTableString[2], 128, "~g~06: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~07: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~08: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[5], sc[5], ms[5], highscorenames[6], mt[6], sc[6], ms[6], highscorenames[7], mt[7], sc[7], ms[7], highscorenames[8]);
ConvertTime(highscoretimes[9], mt[8], sc[8], ms[8]); ConvertTime(highscoretimes[10], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9]);
format(HighScoreTableString[3], 128, "~g~09: %d:%02d:%03d - %s~n~~g~10: %d:%02d:%03d - %s", mt[8], sc[8], ms[8], highscorenames[9], mt[9], sc[9], ms[9], highscorenames[10]);
for(new i; i<4; i++)
TextDrawSetString(HighScoreTable[i], HighScoreTableString[i]);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, HighScoreTable[i]);
IsViewingHighScoreTable[playerid] = 1;
for(new i; i<4; i++)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, HighScoreTable[i]);
IsViewingHighScoreTable[playerid] = 0;
for(new i; i<4; i++)
forward UpdateInfoBox();
public UpdateInfoBox()
new Reward, Float:Health;
GetVehicleHealth(Racecar, Health);
Health = (Health/10);
new Time = GetTickCount()-StartTickcount;
new Min, Sec, Mil;
ConvertTime(Time, Min, Sec, Mil);
Reward = (floatround(Min_Reward + (Health*Reward_Per_Health_Percent)) - (Min*60+Sec*Reward_Discount_Per_Second));
format(InfoBoxString, 128, "~r~Checkpoint: ~y~%d/54~n~~r~Time Elapsed: ~y~%01d:%02d:%02d~n~~r~CarHealth: ~y~%.1f~n~~r~Estimated Reward: ~y~$%d", CC, Min, Sec, Mil, Health, Reward);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(CurrentRacer, InfoBox);
TextDrawSetString(InfoBox, InfoBoxString);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(CurrentRacer, InfoBox);
if(Min == max_minutes-1 && Sec == 0)
GameTextForPlayer(CurrentRacer, "~r~1 minute left!!", 2000, 3);
if(Min == max_minutes-1 && Sec == 50)
GameTextForPlayer(CurrentRacer, "~r~10 seconds left!!", 1500, 3);
if(Min == max_minutes)
forward MoveCamera(playerid);
public MoveCamera(playerid)
CamCount = CamCount- 0.35;
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(CurrentRacer, -2295.3433,-CamCount,475.4256);
if(CamCount < 1670.0)
SetTimer("CBP", 1000, 0);
forward CBP();
public CBP()
ConvertTime(tm, &minutes, &seconds, &milliseconds)
for(new i; i<1000; i++)
if(tm >= 1000)
tm = tm-1000;
if(seconds == 60)
seconds = 0;
milliseconds = tm;