03.01.2014, 07:18
Последний раз редактировалось [SU]Spartan; 03.01.2014 в 08:13.
Причина: Adding number version.
Hello,I'm here to realise you my first gamemode which has OBJECTS in the script with incognito's streamer and I havent added any filterscript nor admin system but i would suggest you LuxAdmin 1.6 system because it has 10 levels and it is perfect for this gamemode.
All commands

If you like this gamemode give me repuration please.KNOWN BUGS
- At my tests everything works fine
- /help
- /commands
- rules
All commands
- /cmds :/fixmycar /camera /drunk /mynetstats /resetmymoney /spawnme /nametagon /nametagoff /freezeme /unfreezeme /clockoff /clockon /banme /healme /kill me /stleles /donation
This gamemode has weapon anticcheat by me,it detects minigun rpg and heatseaker when the hacker kills someone with these weapons it auto-kicks him.
Media fire: https://www.mediafire.com/?crp8k28tdzqtzk1